Boyd John, sailmaker, firm Hooper, Hardester & Co. dw Eden
st s of Pratt
Boyd John, porter cellar, South st e side near Baltimore, dw cor
Albemarle and Granby sts
Boyd Cornelius, machinist, 57 s Charles st
Boyd P. soap & candle manufacturer, Albemarle st s of Plowm.
Boyd Robert, porter cellar, South st. dw Lovely lane
Boyer & Diffenderffer, grocers and com. mts. s e cor Pratt st
and McElderry's wharf
Boyer Jacob, firm ditto, dw cor Albemarle and Pratt sts
Boyle Hugh, com. mt. 50 S Gay st. coal yard corner e Falls av
and Alice Anne, dw n Charles st s of St Paul's church
Boyle Francis, 33 L Sharp st
Boyle Edward, tavern keeper, 10 n Liberty st
Boyle Wm. K. printer, e side Potter st n of Gay
Boyle Michael, bottler, under City Hotel, dw s side Mercer st 5
doors e of Light
Braby Henry, portrait painter, w side Exeter st n of Pitt
Brackin Davis, boarding house, e side Light st s of Lombard
Bradberry Mary J. Philpot st w of Wills
Bradebatigh Jacob, shoemaker, Bank st w of Eden
Braden Wm. 274 n Howard st
Bradenbaugh Charles, Saratoga st 1 door w of Paca
Bradenbaugh John, dw 72 n Liberty st
Bradford mrs Jane, principal of Female Seminary, Saratoga st
between St Paul and Courtland
Bradford A. W. attorney at law, 11 Law Buildings, dw Aisquith
st R of Jackson
Bradford John, corner Charles and Pleasant sts
Bradford Jas. blacksmith, Howard st opp the Richmond market
Bradford Gamaliel, engineer, Howard st near Richmond market
Bradford Margaret, Washington st s of Wilk
Bradford John, miller, corner Commerce and Cable sts. dw corner
Charles and Pleasant
Bradley E. B. 201 Baltimore st
Bradley James, w side East st s of Douglass
Bradley U. & H. tinners, Eutaw st s of German
Bradley U. dw 33 German st
Bradley Robt. H. superintendent of streets and police officer, dw
Gough n of Granby
Bradshaw C. proprietor "U. S. hotel," w Pratt st opp Baltimore
and Ohio Rail Road Depot
Brady James, dyer, 70 North st
Brady Greenbury, block & pump maker, Richmond st w of Park
Brady E. F. dw Greene st opposite Medical College
Brady mrs Mary, store keeper, s w corner Baltimore and Pine sts
Brady Hugh, sand hauler, Park st s of Richmond
Brady Joseph, coach painter, Silver st w of Eden
Brady mrs Ann, inersection of Harford avenue and Aisquith st
Brady Patrick, stone cutter, n w corner Douglass and Forest sts
Brady James, marble polisher, Haw st w of Emory