Bosworth Barbara, washer, n side French st opposite East
Bottimore Mrs. seamstress, Forest st s of Madison
Bottimore & Woollen, carpenters, Mulberry st e of Pine
Bottimore Wm. G. firm ditto, dw Eutaw st S doors n of New
Bottimore Ann, milliner, 121 Eutaw st
Bottomer Thomas, ladies' shoemaker, 23 Saratoga st e of Park
Bouchet Mrs. dealer in 2d hand clothing, 36 Harrison st
Bouchet M. clothing and furniture dealer, 51 1/2 Harrison st
Bouer Lorenzo, shoemaker, Pitt st w of Canal
Boughman Wilson, printer, w side High st s of Lombard
Bouge Robert, tobacconist, Convvay st e of L. Green
Bouis Stephen, tin and sheet iron manufacturer, 28 Baltimore st
Bouis John, shoemaker, Henrietta st e of Hanover
Bouis Joseph, tinner and sheet iron worker, 16 South St
Bouis John, No. 16 South st
Boulden Mrs. M. A. cor College al and L. Pleasant st
Boulden David P. grocer, cor Gough and Granby sts
Bouldin Henry, farmer, cor Monument and Canal sts
Bouldin James A. carter, Wolf st n of Fleet
Bouldin A. J. & O. Surveyors of Baltimore city and county.
Calvert st betw Saratoga and Lexington sts
Bouldin A. J. of firm, dw s e cor Aisquith. and Chew sts
Bouldin O. of firm, Bel Air Road
Boulding John, blacksmith, Wolf st n of Lancaster st
Boult Thomas H. pilot, Gough st w of Bond
Boult Julia Ann, w side Bond st s of Gough
Boullon Anthony, books and stationery dealer, 14 Md. Arcade
Bounds James R. boot maker, Aisquith st w of Thomsen
Bourback S. M. florist & botanist, Lexington st e of Poppleton
Bourieu John, tailor, 19 Lombard st. dw Orleans st
Boursaud A. French and English boarding school, n e cor Lei
ingion and Cove
Boury Joseph, importer and dealer in French, English and Ger
man goods, 170 Balt. st. dw Plowman st opp Albemarle
Bousch Conrad, tavern, President st n of Wilk
Bowdle Eliza and Jane, dry goods store, n side Gay st e of Forest
Bowen George A. bricklayer, Madison st e of Howard
Bowen Jones, laborer, Dolphin near Russ st
Bowen Wm. laborer, Greenwillow st near Penn av
Bowen Nelson, carpenter, Cove st n of Pierce
Bowen Jesse, carpenter and machinist, Silver st e of Eden
Bowen & Lefevre, painters, s side Gay st e of Front st
Bowen Isaac, of firm do. dw opposite do.
Bowen Mrs. Ann, tailoress, Charles st n of Hill
Bowen Mary, midwife, Fleet st e of Market
Bowen Wm. carpenter, Pratt st e of Caroline
Bowen Charles, grocery, 39 Caroline st n of Fleet
Bower John, tinner, Temple st No 9
Bower Conrad, milkman, Canton, on city line
Bower John J. victualler, w end Saratoga st
Bower George, over 23 centre market space