Booth Joseph, plaisterer, e side Canal st s of Baltimore
Booth Wm. O. L. painter, 57 Albemarle Rt
Boothe Ellen, nurse, w side Exeter st n of Pitt
Booze Benjamin, shipwright, Alice Anna st e of Market
Bopp Lawrence, shoemaker, Charles st s of Lee
Borcrie Charles, shoemaker, e side High st n of Pitt
Bordley Beale, portrait painter, 155 Baltimore st
Bordiey D. C. H. Park st n of Madison
Bordley Mrs. Susan G. L. Paca st n of Perry
Bordley William, Franklin Bank, dw corner Green and Ger-
man sts
Bordley Samuel, tinner, York st e of Hanover
Borgelt John, carpenter, Wagon al e of Eutaw st
Boring Wm. stone mason, w side Paca st n of Mulberry
Boring John T. cor Sharp st and Welcome al
Borkemp Francis, baker, 120 n Eutaw st
Borkett Mrs. Mary, Pearl st n of Fayette
Born George M. shoemaker, cor Cough st and Happy al
Boae Henry, laborer, Lancaster st. w of Ann
Bose Wm. firm Dobbin, Murphy & Bose, of the "American,"
dw St Paul st s of Pleasant
Bose Lewis, labourer, Hoffman st near Ross
Bosheriff——, n side Hillen st 7 door w of High
Boshi Dederick. grocer, Pratt st s side e of Commerce
Bosle Peter, baker, Pratt st w of President
Bosley James, Fayette st n side e of Calvert st
Bosley Mrs. A. corset store, n Liberty st 2 doors from Baltimore
Bosley John A. flour dealer, cor Orleans and Eden sts
Bosley John, shoemaker, York av n of Monument st
Bosley Elizabeth, tailoress, Gough tt e of Caroline
Bosley &. Knighton, property agents, 27 Second st opposite Mer-
chants' Bank
Bosley James B. firm ditto, dw Baltimore st w of Caroline
Bosnian Ed. calico printer, Lombard st w of Market
Boss Henry & Co. plumbers, 20 Thames st
Boss Henry, firm ditto, dw Bond st betw Gough and Bank
Boss Harriet, Bank st e of Market
Boss Hays, watchman, 109 Dugan's wharf
Bosselle Louis, laborer, Wilk st e of President
Boston James, Hanover st s of Sugar alley
Boston Jacob, hatter, 8 s Calvert st. dw Lombard st e of Exeter
Boston Daniel, mariner, Bond st s of Alice Anna st
Boston Charles, carpenter, Eden st s of Gough
Boston & Price, hatters, No. 1 South st
Boston John B. hatier, firm do. dw Courtland st s of Pleasant
Boston Wm. sailmaker, 53 S. Liberty st
Boswell John, Raborg st e of Poppleton
Bos well B. turner, 1 Jackson's court, near Saratoga st e of Rock
Boswell Wm. brickmaker, Charles st s of Hamburg
Boswell James, music and fancy store, s w corner Baltimore and
Charles sts. dw Baltimore st w of Caroline