Bond Anthony, firm W. Thield & Co. dw Conway st
Bond Thomas, dyer, Pierce st n of Chatsworth
Bond James, dry goods store and dying establish't 95 w Pratt
Bond Wm. watchman, Orleans st e of Canal
Bond Eleonor, n side Lombard st 4 doors e of Eutaw
Bond Thomas, carter, Forest st s of Douglass
Bond Z. O. bailiff, Forest st n of Gay
Bond Thomas W. w side Exeter st n of Pitt
Bond John W. Lee st e of Hanover
Bond John, huckster, York st e of Charles
Bond Henry, ship carpenter, York st e of Charles
Bond Aquilla, shipwright, Alice Anna st w of Wolf
Bond Jos. A. blacksmith, Lombard st w of Exeter
Bond James, w side Caroline st s of Lombard
Bond Benjamin, e side Exeter st n of Stiles
Bond Lambert W. boarding house, Albemarle st 8 drs s of Pratt
Bond Mrs. Ann, Perry si w of Charles
Bonday James, cooper, firm Wm. Espey Sc Co. dw 8 Fleet st
Bonn Miss Mary, seamstress, Ross st near Eutaw
Bonn Mrs. Ann, seamstress, Lewis st s of Mullikin
Bonn Mrs. Ann, dw Perry st w of Charles
Bonn A. & J. and Brothers, tobacco, snuff and segar manufactu-
rers, No. 8 Pratt st 3 doors w of Light
Bonn Richard, firm ditto, dw Eutaw st n of Conway
Bonn Joseph, firm ditto, dw 10 Sharp st
Bonn Anthony, firm ditto, dw 81 Conway st
Bonner Hugh, shoemaker, Holland st e of Canal
Bonner John, Granby st e of Gough
Bonninger Brothers, s Charles st n of Perry st
Bonsall, Heaid &, Co. bookbinders, Bank lane, e of Charles st
Book Committee Methodist Protestant Church, office n w cor|
Charles and Baltimore sts
Booker John L. hatter, Madison st e of Howard
Bookhein John, procer, President st n of Wilk
Bookhultz Joseph, grocer, cor Sugar al and Charles sts
Bookhultz George, machinist, e side Light st s of Hughes
Bookhurst Francis, cordwainer, w side Exeter st s of French
Bool H. W. jr. auction and commission store, 60 Baltimore st
Boon Wm. cabinet maker. Pearl st n of Lexington
Boon Benjamin, printer, Lee st w of Light
Boone John H. D. lottery office, s vv cor Gay and Baltimore sts
dw Ensor st
Boone Nicholas, Aisquith st n of Holland
Boone Burley G. book agent, Gough st e of Canal
Boorman John D. bailiff,
Booth Mrs. Elizabeth, 61 Harrison st
Booth F. B. second hand goods dealer, 39 Harrison st
Booth Elizabeth, seamstress, s side Hillen st near Potter
Booth Junius B. tragedian, e side High st n of Gay
Booth John R. tobacconist, s w cor Hanover and Camden sts
dw Hanover near Hill