Boggs David, sergeant of marines, 16 n Exeter st
Boggs H. &t Son, wine and liquor merchants, e side Commerce
st s of Lombard
Boggs H. 96 Hanover st cor Conway
Boggus Robert S. shoemaker, e side State st n of Saratoga
Bogle J. & R. artists, 1514 Baltimore st
Bogue Henry, merchant tailor, n Calvert it under Barnum's City
Hotel, dw New Church st
Bogue Mrs. Maria, Cross st e of William
Bohn Jacob. 130 n Howard st
Bohn Mrs. Camilla, grocer, cor Barre and Sharp sts
Bois capt. Albert, Lombard st w of Caroline
Boizard Joseph, proprietor of European house, n w cor South
and Lombard sts
Bokee Wm. crockery, Howard st. dw w side High st n of Pitt
rison st and 37 n Howard st (see advertisement page 29)
dw High st betw Pitt and Low
Bokee John C. n e cor Howard and Perry sts
Bokern Frederick, cabinet maker, cor Wilk and Exeter sts
Boland Michael, carter, Welcome al w of Hanover st
Bolden Thomas, pilot, Wilk st w of Ann
Bolder Morris, dairy, Baltimore st e of Pine
Bolgiano & Co. lottery office, 4 n Calvert st. dw Wm. F. Bol-
giano, East st
Bolgiano Wm. G. dw East st n of Hillen
Bolgiano John, bacon dealer, Ensor st s of Madison
Bolinir Mrs. Lurancy, Fawn st e of Exeter
Bokman R. blacksmith, Fayette st w of Popplein
Bollman George, baker, Hillen st w of East
Bollmann Josephine, milliner, w side Exeter n of Gay
Bollman Wendel, carpenter, Penn av n of Greenwillow st
Bolster Mrs. J. A. 189 s Sharp st
Bolte John F. grocer and produce merchant, Gay st 1 door 8 of
Exeter dw intersection of Harford av and Ensor st
Bolten Mary, Market st s of Fleet
Bolton James, cor Maiden lane and Aisquith st
Bolton Hugh &, Co. oil and paint store, 71 McElderry's wharf,
dw Front st opp Orphan asylum
Bombarger J W. wheelwright, Richmond st w of Cathedral
Bombarger Wm. constable, cor Hampstead st & Strawberry al
Bombarger Wm. H. constable, at Esq. Gorsuch's office, dw s
side Ensor st e of Town Clock
Bombarger John, e side Bond n of Pratt
Bomberger Martin, carter, 93 Saratoga st 1 door w of Eutaw
Bomshlegel J. shoemaker, French 1 door e of Exeter
Bonaparte J. N. cor Park and Centre sts
Bond Dr. Thomas E. jr. n side Lombard st 1 door e of Sharp
Bond Mrs. Jemima, tailoress, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
Bond Thomas, City Spring Court, 1 door w of Charles
Bond Wm. laborer, Richmond st e of Lerew's alley