Blinsinger Geo. M. baker, 132 n Eutaw st
Bliss Caldwell, grocers, 254 1/2 Baltimore st
Blizzard John, carter. Mulberry st e of Green
Blizzard John, coppersmith, Harford av s of Neighbor st
Block Elizabeth, n w cor Ensor and Forest sts
Block Simon, furniture store, 90 Bond st
Block Mrs. Harriet, Eden st s of Jefferson
Block E. 134 s Sharp at
Bloecher John, tailor, Albemarle st n of Lombard
Blomentahl Levi, pedlar, S Market st
Bloomer J. W. hat store, s w cor Baltimore and Calvert sts. dw
Lloyd s of Salisbury
Bloomer Frederick, hatter, w side Exeter st n of Gay
Blout Levi, boarding house, 15 Fleet st
Bloxham Wansbro, editor, Comet st w of Aisquith
Blucher Matthias, engineer, Holland st e of Schroeder
Blum Meyer, grocer, Bond st n of Lancaster
Blumer Aug. wheelright, s w cor Potter & Hillea sts. dw French
Blundel Malachi, clothier, 73 n Howard st
Blundel Dennis, clothier, 68 n Howard st
Blunt James, carpenter, s side French st e of Exeter
Boarman George, carpenter, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
Boarman Andrew, bricklayer, Poppleton st s of Fayette
Bobart Miss Mary J. Jefferson st e of Spring
Bobb Andrew S. gardner, Cross st e of Johnson
Bobert George, brewer, cider al betw Howard and Eutaw
Bobeth & Schulenberg, cabinet makers, e side Sharp st s of Pratt
Babel h Charles, firm Bobeth &, Schulenberg, dw Little Green st
of Burgundy alley
Boda William, machinist, Lombard st e of Schroeder
Bodder L. D., Dr. Lex w of Liberty
[See imag for text]