Black Thomas &, Co. flour merchants, 30 n Hanover st
Black John R. carpenter, Franklin st 1 door n of Pine
Black John, weaver. Franklin st extended
Black Washington, grocer, corner Pearl and Raborg sts
Black Vachel sen, potter, German st w of Paca, dw Market alley
Black Henry, trunk maker, corner East st and Halfmoon alley
Black Wm. carpenter, Boyd st w of Amity
Blackburn John C. attorney at law, Court house lane, dw Pearl
st n of Lexington
Blackiston J. B. cabinet maker, Cove st n of Saratoga, dw Cove
st n of Sarah Ann
Blacklar W. butcher, dw cor Pitt and Bond sts
Blacklock N. F. clerk, s w cor Sharp and Perry sts
Blackwood J. & Co. carpet store, 188i Baltimore st
Blades Samuel, chair maker, e side High st n of Pitt
Blades Colmar, shoemaker, e of Sharp n of Cross st
Blair James, justice of peace, 30 Eutaw st near Lexington dw
Franklin st e of Pine
Blair George, copperplate printer. Pine st s of Mulberry
Blair Wm. w side Front st n of Pitt
Blake & Fales, iron founders, North st betw Franklin and Bath
Blake John, carpet weaver, Lerew's al s of Richmond st
Blake Mr. blacksmith, Monument st e of Ensor
Blake J. R. bricklayer, Caroline st s of Jefferson
Blake John S. wood measurer, Paca st w of Warner
Blake George, grocer, 151 s Sharp st cor York-
Blake John W. saddler and harness maker, 46 South st
Biakelcy Abel, carpenter, s side Hillen e of Forest, dw Ensor st
Blakeney John, carpenter, Monument st e of Aisquith
Blakeney A. R. carpenter, n side Ensor st e of Forest
Blakey Mary, corset maker, e side High st s of Pitt
Blakey James, e side High st s of Pitt
Blanch Jeremiah, carpenter, Mulberry st. dw Orleans e of Eden
Blanchard Mrs. Elizabeth, 7 Waterloo row
Blanchard Miss Mary, teacher, w side Green st n of Mulberry
Blanchard Capt. Wm. B. Wilk st opposite High
Blanchard T. H. tavern, No. 1 Fish market
Blanche J. house carpenter, corner Mullikin and Spring sts. dw
Orleans near Eden
Blaney Thomas, butcher, York av n of Madison st
Blandford John M. ship carpenter, w side Ann st s of Wilk
Blasdel John C. firm Rogers & Blasdel, dw Saratoga st extend-
ed, opposite Robert Gilmore's country seat
Blash Samuel, sailmaker, cor Fleet st and Castle alley
Blasa W. H. firm Johnston, Green & Blass, Sterling near Monu't.
Bleskey Gotlieb, tavern, 13 Thames st
Blessing Frederick, laborer, Sterling st s of Madison
Blattkner Christopher, basket maker, Wagon al e of Eutaw st
Bleakly S. H. currier, 5 e Water st opposite Cheapside
Blick Wm. B. broker, n side Gay st near Town Clock, dw cor-
ner Orleans and Spring