Bilson Samuel, plaisterer, 65 Greene st
Bines Robert, Con way st w of L Paca
Bingham's Pittsburg Freight and Emigrant Line, Jas. Wilson,
agent, Howard st s of Franklin
Binix mrs Amelia, Mullikin st n e of Fairmount
Binix Edward, plaisterer, Spring st s of Silver
Binyon Wm. carpenter, e side Ann st s of Wilk
Binvon Thomas, nightman, corner Fleet st and Happy alley
Birch Wm. S. paper hanger and upholsterer, 130 Baltimore st
see advertisement
Birckhead & Pearce, merchants, e side Commerce st
Birckhead & West, merchant tailors, 5 North st
Birckhead Christopher, of firm, dw Monument st 2 e of Canal
Birckhead mrs Doctor, St Paul st of Mulberry
Birckhead Hugh, Charles st s of Barnel
Birckhead John W. tailor, 10 n Frederick, dw Gay near Aisquith
Bird J. Edward, dry goods merchant, 89 Baltimore st. dw Fay-
ette betw Liberty and McClellan
Bird Wm. bricklayer, Pierce st e of Chatsworth
Bird Edward, blacksmith, Henrietta st w of Light
Birey Lewis A. currier, Cheapside, dw 119 Pratt e of Paca
Birely V. hide, oil and leather dealer, Cheapside
Birkey Thomas H. surgeon dentist, 8G n Howard st
Birkey mrs Mary, dry goods store, 86 n Howard st
Birkhead John, tailor, n side Gay st w of Aisquith
Birkhead Christopher, mariner, Alice Anna st e of Wolfe
Birthouse mrs Elizabeth, Belle Air road
Bischoff F. H. tobacco dealer, corner Howard and Barre sts
Biscoe John, shoemaker, Mullikin st e of Caroline
Biscoe James, com mt. 13 Light st wharf, dw 95 s Paca st
Biscoe Samuel C. pilot, Lancaster st w of Ann
Bisher Frederick, carpenter, Madison st w of Eutaw
Bishop Richard, coachmaker, corner Charles and Fayette sts
Bishop James, cabinet maker, Holland st e of Aisquith
Bishop Patrick, labourer, corner Emory and Haw sts
Bishop Elijah, merchant tailor, 39 w Pratt st. dw 8 Wayne stl
Bishop Richard B. & Son, painters, Thames su dw Wolf st.
of Lancaster
Bishop Nichs C. of above firm, dw Cough st betw Wolfe and Ash
Bishop George W. carter, corner Wilk st and Star alley
Bishop Elizabeth, e side Ann st s of Alice Anna
Bissett Thomas, hatter, Columbia st e of Emory
Bitterson Thomas, carpenter, e side Apple alley n of Lombard
Bivins F. J. huckster, n side Fish Market space
Bixler Louis A. tobacconist, 57 n Howard st
Bixler mrs David, Pearl st s of Lexington
Bixler Daniel, dw 57 n Howard st
Bizouard Thomas J. Counsul of Rome, corner Pine and Georges st
Black Washington, keeper of Howard House, North st opp
Baltimore and Susquehanna Depot
Black John, sailmaker, Wilk st w of Aon