Betts Wm. printer, 67 e Lombard st
Betts John, carpenter, 85 Bond st
Betts Royston, dw Cathedral st n of Mulberry
Betts Alex. P. firm German &, Betts, dw Caroline st s of Pratt
Beucke Dr. J. A. 14 s Liberty st
Bevan Horatio, firm of Ba ugh mail & Be van, dw Park st near
Richmond market
Bevan Samuel, merchant, e side Greene st near Mulberry
Bevan John, dry goods store, 29 w Pratt st
Bevan Samuel, dry goods merchant, 173 Bait, st dw Greene st
Bevan Joseph, dry goocl.3 dealer, Gay st 2 doors n of Exeter
Bevan Reuben A. L cabinet maker, e Baltimore st near Canal,
dw Pitt e of Eden
Bevans Wm. Holliday st s of Saratoga
Bevans David, Huckster, New st e of Paca
Bevans Timothy J. tavern, n side Fish Market space
Bevans John, carpenter, Comet st w of Aisquith
Beveridge Charles C. tailor, s e cor Lexington and Park sts
Beveridge Mrs. 19 e Water st
Beveridge Francis, tailor, s side Addison st w of High
Beziat Francis, blacksmith, corner Spring st and Hammond alley
Biattengar J. D. shoemaker, Penn av near Eutaw st
Bickener Peter, labourer, Apple al s of Alice Anna st
Bickham Mrs. miniature painter, 95 Baltimore st
Bickham rnrs Eliza, w side Canal st n of Salisbury
Bickley Samuel, boot and shoe maker, 68 Centre Market space
Bickley C. fancy store, 68 Centre Market space
Biddison mrs Meshack, Abraham st near Britton
Biddle Mrs. n side Fayette st e of Pine
Biddle Perry, carpenter, Hollins st w of Poppleton
Bier Jacob, president Marine Bank, dw over the bank, corner
Gay and Second sts
Bier Frederick, harness maker, 54 Harrison st
Bierbower L. nut and washer manufacturer, 65 Saratoga st 4
doors e of Eutaw—see advertisement page 10
Biggart mrs Margaret, Pitt st e of Aisquith
Biggs Wm. Howard st s of Richmond
Biggs Wm. butcher, Bond st n of Pitt
Bigham John & Saml. grocers, n w cor Eutaw and Franklin sts
Bigham John, dw Paca st betw Mulberry and Saratoga
Bigham Samuel, dw Paca si betw Saratoga and Mulberry
Biny John, baker, cor Cove and Sarah Ann sts
Billings Mary, seamstress, w side Hollingsworth st n of Lombard
Billmyer Henry,shoe dealer, 17, 19 and 21 Maryland Arcade, dw
w side feast st n of Hillen
Billmyer Jacob, hoot and shoe maker, n side Louisiana st. dw
East n of Hillen
Billop Rev. Thos. e side Lloyd st s of Salisbury
Billups mrs Louisa, 52 w Pratt st
Billyer Jacob, shoemaker, East st. dw s side French e of Potter
Bilson John, plaisterer, Pearl st n of Fayette