Benson Hannah, George st e of Pine
Benson Samuel, merchant tailor, 68 Baltimore st
Benson Mary, seamstress, Hillen st w of Potter
Benson capt Wm. R. corner Pratt and Spring sts
Benson mrs Margaret, 59 Centre Market space
Benswanger S. dry goods store, e side Exeter st n of Low
Benteen F. D. music store, 137 Balt st. dvv Albemarle s of Granby
Benteen Henry, stone cutter, corner Cider alley and Eutaw st.
dw Lombard st w of Penn
Benteen H. C. stonecutter, Eutaw st s of German, dw German
st w of Infirmary—see advertisement page 27
Bentley, Randall & Co. portable steam boiler manufacturers,
Holliday st betw Saratoga and Pleasant
Bentley Chas. W. of above firm, dw Cambridge st Canton
Bentley Thomas, brickmaker, China alley s of Lee st
Bentnar Henry, shoemaker, Saratoga st e of Schroeder
Benton B. boot and shoe maker, Baltimore st 1 door w of Paca
Bentz mrs J. A. s side Lombard st 3 doors e of Hanover
Bentzinger Matthias, commissioner of streets, Greene n of Pratt
Beppler Lewis, tailor, Bank st w of Canal
Berger Clemence, Sarah Ann st w of Cove
Berger Nicholas, milkman, Hamburg st Federal Hill
Berkett John, labourer, 15 Bond st
Bernard Nicholas, e side Gay st s of Aisquith
Bernard Wm. fisher, Fort avenue s of Powder house
Berngen Gotleib, shoemaker, 84 Bond st
Berry Mary, Biddle st near George
Berry J. & T. . fire proof brick man, s Sharp st near Hill
Berry Wm. labourer, corner Bath and Calvert sts
Berry W. H. grocer, 89 w Pratt st
Berry Edward, mar ner, e side Bond at s of Fleet
Berry Robert D. 76 Pitt st
Berry John, carpenter, e side Market alley
Berry Horatio, carpenter, German at w of Greene, shop alley opp
Berry John W, carpenter, do do do
Berry John H. jr. grocer, Lombard st n side 2 doors e of Han-
over, dw L Greene s of Paca
Berryman John, clerk, Co. Clerk's office, dw Franklin st e of Pine
Berryman John, shoemaker, Monument st w of Caroline
Bersch Wm. tavern keeper, Lexington st e of Greene
Bersch Henry, tailor, corner Pitt and High sts
Berteau Nicholas, corner Lombard and Bond sts
Besemann C. watchmaker, w side Gay st e of Exeter
Best Rev. Hezekiah, of Seamen's Bethel, dw Market st s of Pratt
Bestor J. Rollin, book keeper, 176 Paca st
Beswick Benj. W. mariner, w side Ann st s of Alice Anna
Betson Joseph, oak cooper, Eutaw court, or Chamberlain alley
w of Stalest
Bettman Moms, 27 Lombard st e of Frederick
Betton Alfred, York st e of Howard
Betts Solomon, 27 St Paul st