Bellis John, manner, e side Ann st s of Alice Anna
Belt Geo. Gordon, attorney at law, Court house lane
Belt Wm. basket maker, Marion st w of Park
Belt T. Hanson, justice of peace, s w corner Fayette and St Paul
sts. dw 10 Courtland st
Belt & Brenan, property agents, s w cor Saratoga and St Paul
Belt Mrs. teacher of music, e side Exeter st n of Lombard
Belt Elisha, blacksmith, e side Short st near Aisquith
Belton John, barber, Market st s of Lancaster
Beltz Hartman, cordwainer, Canton e of Harris's creek
Beltzhoover Geo. proprietor Fountain Inn, Light st
Betlvidere Tavern, at Belvidere bridge, North st
Bender John, victualler, Saratoga st w of Schroeder
Bender Daniel, grocer and tea dealer, Franklin st e of Paca
Bender Catherine, Franklin st e of Paca
Bender Augustus, tailor, s w cor Baltimore and Schroeder sts
Bender Jacob, tavern, 16 Market st F. P.
Bendy Eliza, tailoress, Second st n side e of South
Benezet George, Holliday st s of Pleasant
Benix Nathaniel, comb maker, 92 n Howard st
Benix Elisha, plaisterer, Madison st e of Aisquith
Benjamin Levi, 2d hand furniture and gold and silver store, cor
Harrison and Gay sts
Benjamin Samuel, grocer, Douglass st e of Forest
Benker John H. tavern, corner Wilk and Exeter sts
Benner A. tavern, n side Lombard st e of Gay
Benner Christian, cabinet maker, Union st near Ross
Benner Henry, potter, Mullikin st e of Bond
Benner Thomas S. clerk, Aisquith st n of Monument
Benner Samuel, silver plater, Montgomery st w of Light
Bennet E. W. iott'y brok. Baltimore st e of Front, dw 47 n Gay
Bennet George I. carpenter, corner Lombard and Spring sts
Bennet Mrs. dress and habit maker, 89 Baltimore street
Bennet Alexander, comb maker, Canal st i of L MeEldeny
Bennet Eli, w side Eutaw st n of Madison
Bennet John & Co. grocers, 22 Thames st
Bennet John, dw 20 Thames st
Bennett Rosa, Pratt st e of Canal
Bennet Harriet, 20 Thames st
Benet capt Richard, Alice Anna st w of Ann
Bennett & Rose, carpenters, Canton—see advertisement page 8
Bennett Wm. J. ship chandler and grocer, cor Fleet and Wolfe
sts. dw Thames st
Bennett Mary, w side Caroline st n of Fleet
Bennett John, millwright, corner Paca and Warner sts
Bennett Fielding, pilot, Ann st s of Fleet
Bennock Thomas, stone mason. Caroline st s of Baltimore
[See image for text]