Beekemeyer Wm. brewer, 2 Jackson's court, betw Saratoga and
Lexington sts e of Rock
Becker John D. porter Chesapeake Bank, 115 Exeter s of Hillen
Becker mrs Julia A. dress maker, s side Baltimore st e of Canal
Becket Matilda, seamstress, Thomsen st w of Short
Beckett Thomas, engineer, Pratt st w of Amity
Beckley Theophilus, carpenter, Raborg st e of Poppleton
Beckright Albert, pedlar, corner Market and Alice Anna sts
Beckwith Richard, ship carpenter, wside Ann sts of Alice Anna
Bedencopf Martin, baker, 54 n Exeter st
Bedford Wm. carter, Happy al e side n of Bank st
Beaman miss Ann, Monument square opposite Battle Monument
Beech Charles, carpenter, Greene st n of German
Beefelt mrs Mary, Eutaw st n of Lombard
Beehler Francis & Co. whip, cane, umbrella, spectacle, &c
store, 100 Baltimore st. dw Frederick road
Beehler John, coachmaker, s w corner French and East ste
Becker mrs Julia A. dress maker, Baltimore st near Canal
Beetley Robert, joiner, Wilk st w of Wolle
Behlen Paul, tavern, and seamen's boarding house, 13 Bond st
Behler Henry L. clothier, dw Albemarle st s of Fawn
Behrens C. F. blacksmith, Lee st e of Charles
Behrens Frederick, engineer, York st w of Light
Beiswanger J. shoemaker, e side Forest st s of Orleans
Bell John, blacksmith, Fayette st w of Poppleton
Bell Richard, shipwright, Fleet st e of Argyle alley
Bell Theophilus, carpenter, Raborg st w of Poppleton
Bell Wm. shoe store, 4 Market space, dw Wilk st w of Canal
Bell John, proprietor Eagle Coffee House, cor Louisiana & Jasper
Bell Richard B. broker, dw n Frederick st near Baltimore
Bell & Johnston, stone cutters, corner Calvert and Saratoga sts
Bell J. C. druggist, Ross st near Orchard
Bell Wm. grocer, corner Pitt and High sts
Bell Mrs. w side Paca st n of Baltimore
Bell mrs Catherine, Spring gardens
Bell Walter, ship carpenter, Fork st e of Charles
Bell Jesse, millwright. Black alley, w of Union st s of Ross
Bell Geo. F, M. book keeper, Lombard st e of High
Bell James, boot and shoe maker, Baltimore st e of Wandsbeck
Bell George, tinner, Baltimore st e of Poppleton
Bell Wm. carter, Mullikin st n e of Fairmount
Bell Robert, carpenter, e side Canal st n of Silver
Bell Elizabeth V. s side Hillen st w of East
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