Bartman Christopher, labourer, Wolfe st e of Alice Anna
Bartol George, coach maker, Calvert st 5 doors s of Bath
Bartol Ann, w side Potter st s of Douglass
Barton Henry, proprietor of Baltimore Dairy, 72 Harrison st
Barton Mary, huckster, Granby st e of Falls avenue
Barton Samuel, carpenter, corner Holland and Eden sts
Barton S. ship joiner, Star alley near Gough st
Barton mrs Ann, grocer, corner Holland and Eden sts
Barton Cordelia, w side Bond st n of Pratt
Barton James, shoemaker, corner L McElderry and Canal sts
Barton Mary, boarding house, s side French st e of Bath
Barton Henry, Montgomery st w of William
Barton Patience, Granby st w of Canal
Bartow Theodocius, Pratt st e of Exeter
Bartus Henry, labourer, 45 Thames st
Bash H. M. firm S. Scribner & Co. d\v Reisterstown road near
the 1st tool gate
Bassan E. A. seminary, Saratoga st 1 door e of Park
Bassett &, wellman, carpet chain, wrapping twine, and grocery,
272 Baltimore st
Bassett J. shoemaker, East st s of Pitt
Bassford Rev. Thomas, teacher of Male Free School, Courtland
st near Pleasant
Bassford Jacob, merchant tailor, 103 Baltimore st
Batchelor, Joseph, employed at gas works, s w corner Saratoga
and North sts. dw n side French st opposite Exeter
Batchelor David, shoemaker, Caroline st s of Jefferson
Batchelor Nathaniel, sailmaker, Wilk st w of Albemarle
Bateger Henry, drayman, 111 s Howard st
Baleman Benjamin, tobacconist, Pitt s of Eden
Bateman Wm. teacher, e side Potter st n of Douglass
Bateman mrs Eliza, York st w of Light
Bateman Constance, sewer, e side Light st 2 doors s of Hamburg
Batenfeld Christian, shoemaker, 16 Bond st
Bates Wm. coachmaker, Armistead lane w of William st
Bates James W. iron founder, e Falls avenue, dw Lombard st
w of Market.
Bates John, grocer, corner Lombard st and Strawberry alley
Bates Elizabeth, Market sts of Bank
Baths Collonade, L. Milhan, proprietor, cor Saratoga and Bath sts
Bathurst M. & Son, importers, Exchange place b side near Gay st
Bathurst Matthew, dw North st 3 doors s of Lexington
Battee & Lowe, commission grain and tobacco mts, n w corner
Light st wharf and Camden st
Battee R. H. of above firm, dw Hanover st n of Lee
Battise John, seaman, Fort avenue s of powderhouse
Battr of Peter, corpenter, corner Cove and Saratoga sts
Baud John, carpenter, Alice Anna st w of Caroline
Bauer & Espel, shoemakers, Calvert st opposite Mulberry
Bauer David, blacksmith, Clay st w of Park, d w Park st between
Favette and Marion