Bauer M. shoemaker, n side Gay st w of Aisquith
Baugher Joseph, firm Se wall, Baugher & Co. dw 63 Greene st
Baughman &, Bevan, stone cutters, corner Franklin and Park sts
Baughman Frederick, dw 283 n Howard st
Baughman George, Pine st s of Saratoga
Baughman George & Co. dry goods nits. 270 Baltimore st dw 28
Hanover st
Bauhman Charles W. carpenter, Block st w of Wills
Baum mrs Margaret, Pearl st s of Saratoga
Baum Samuel, carpenter, Mulberry st w of Pearl, dw Pearl st s
of Mulberry
Bauman M. shoemaker, e side Light'st s of Hughes's Quay
Baumeister Henry, tavern keeper, 66 Harrison st
Bourgelt Rebecca W. e side Eutaw st s of Franklin
Baurgelt mrs Emeline, Park st n of Mulberry
Baurmeister Edwd. firm Hennigs & Co. dw 225 Baltimore st
Bausmit Peter, tailor, Mott st n of Gay
Bavingcr George, firm Dutro &. Bavinger, dw Pine near Franklin
Bawden John, tailor, 16 Caroline st
Baxler Mr. milk seller, w side Light st s end
Baxley George, dw corner Howard and Franklin sts
Baxley & Magers, wholesale grocers, cor Jasper and Franklin sts
Baxley James, of above firm, dw Park st extended
Baxley John, Park st n of Madison
Baxley Elizabeth, grocer, intersection Constitution and Buren sts
Baxter Dr. Willis, Fayette st n side e of Paca
Baxter James, keeper of Market st Dairy, corner Holliday and
Baltimore sts. dw Potter st n of Gay
Baxter John N. M. D. 34 St Paul st
Baxter James, blacksmith, Wagon alley w of Poppleton st
Baxter Sarah, grocer, 15 Fleet st
Bay Hugh, house carpenter, 3 New Church st
Bay Hugh, carpenter, 277 n Howard st
Bayard mrs Edith, e side Gay st s of Aisquith
Bayer Thomas, labourer, Baltimore st w of Poppleton
Bayley Henry, wholesale dealer in China, glass and queensware,
and glass cutter, 10 Harrison st Bazaar, dw 51 Pitt st
Bayley Wm. slater, w side Front st s of Low
Baylies & Tyson, millers, s end Patterson st
Baylies Nicholas, dw Exeter st n of Lombard
Baylis mrs Jane, Lexington st e of Liberty
Baylor John, carpenter, Cross st w of William
Bayly Wm. book keeper, e side High st s of French
Bayne Benjamin, pilot, Ann st s of Bank
Baynes James, skinner and wool dealer, French st near Bath—
see advertisement page 34
Baynes Joseph P. intersection of Harford av and Ensor st
Bayzand Wm. H. merchant tailor, n e cor Baltimore and Holli-
day sts, dw Aisquith s of Douglass
Bazaar, e side Harrison st n of Baltimore, J. Daley, proprietor
Bazaree John, mariner, Lancaster st e of Market