Barr Wm. dry good merchant, 33 Baltimore st
Barranger Lewis L. butcher, Lewis st s of Mullikin
Barren James G. musician, Pleasant st 1 door e of North
Barrett Eliza, 11 Light st
Barrett Gregory, weaver, Pierce st w of Chatsworth
Barrett Andrew J. edge tool maker, corner Calvert and Franklin
sts. dw Cove st s of Franklin
Barrett mrs Margaret, dressmaker, Eden st s of Union alley
Barrett Asa, bedding store, w side Penn av n of Franklin st. dw
St Mary's court
Barrett Hiram, shoemaker, Ensor sts of Madison
Barrett ———— gilder, Wilk st w of Canal
Barrickman Jacob, mead brewer, Ensor st n of Madison
Barringer Lazarus, butcher, Joppa X roads w of ropewalk
Barringer John, huckster, Monument st e of Canal
Barroll Benj. C. attorney at law, Lexington st opp Court house
Barroll James & Son, commission merchants, 1 Bowly's wharf
Barroll James, of above firm, dw Pleasant st w of Courtland
Barroll James W. of above firm, dw St Paul st n of Mulberry
Barrell John, basket & truss hoop maker, Balt e of Wandsbeck
Barrou J. C. blacksmith, corner Eutaw and Convvay sts. dw Co-
lumbia st e of Cove
Barrow Mary Ann, Lombard st w of Lloyd
Barrow Denvvood H. guager, and inspector of domestic liquors,
Lombard st e of Exeter
Barrow & Stewart, grocers and com mts. 94 Dugan's wharf
Barrows E. P. 62 n Liberty st
Barry Wm. n e corner Calvert and Bath sts
Barry & Hurst, dry good mts, s e corner Baltimore and Liberty sts
Barry Samuel M. of above firm, dw 74 n Liberty st
Barry John J. clerk, 140 Franklin st 1 door e of Chats worth
Barry Robert 89 n Paca st
Barry Barney, labourer, w side Canal st n of Salisbury
Barry mrs Susan, s side Gay st w of High
Barry mrs Eliza, w side Canal st n of Salisbury
Barry James C. accountant, Stiles st e of High
Barry John L. clerk in Franklin Bank, dw cor Exeter and Stiles sts
Bartcher Christopher, cooper, Alice Anna st w of Caroline
Bartcher Charity, confectioner, Alice Anna st w o( Market
Barth Christian, boot and shoemaker, Louisiana st w of Jasper
Bartholett John F. jeweller and die sinker, 36 e Fayette st
Bartholomew Edward, saddler, n side French st w of Forest
Bartlett Wm. piano forte maker, corner Saratoga and Eutaw sts
Bartlett George & Co. hyde and leather dealers, 10 n Howard st
Bartlett George, dw 78 n Liberty st
Bartlett James, boat builder, Wills st n of Philpot
Bartlett Wm. labourer, n nd Happy alley [Eutaw sts
Bartlett Wra E. & Son, druggists, 76 s Calvert Rt. dw cor Pratt &
Bartlett Charles, teacher, n side Lombard st 5 doors e of Sharp
Bartley Elizabeth, sewer, s side French st e of Bath
Bartlow mrs Isabella, gardener, Belle-Air road