Barger Washington, bricklayer, 12 Eutaw st
Barker John & Son, iron founders, Calvert st head of Bath
Barker John, dw 12 Waterloo row 1 door n of Calvert st
Barker Francis, of above firm dw n Calvert st opposite city mill
Barker J. W. hatter, Aisquith st n of Holland
Barker Mrs. nurse, s side Stirling st w of Monument
Barker mrs Mary, Charles st n of Hill
Barker Catherine, dress maker, n e corner Lombard and Eutaw
Barkley Edwin, cooper, corner Pratt st and Apple alley
Barkman mrs Elizabeth, Burgundy alley e of Cove st
Barkman Benjamin F. plumber, 15 Thames st
Barkman John S. tin plate worker, Ann st e side s of Wilk
Barkman Fanny, 137 Bond st
Barley Jane, Biddle st near Richmond
Barling Joseph, e side Exeter st n of Pitt
Barlow Joseph, temperance grocery, Louisiana st near Jasper
Barlow George, labourer, Armistead lane w of William st
Barlow Elizabeth, huckster, Lancaster st w of Market
Barnaby Sophia, Fleet st e of Caroline
Barnard John, Madison st w of Eutaw
Barnard James, Jr. justice of the peace, Frederick gt n of Second,
dw Monument st e of Constitution
Barnard mrs Sarah, Canal s1 s of Jefferson
Barneclo J. W. clerk, R. R, office, corner Lombard and Amity sts
Barnes John, stone cutter, Gravel alley s of Franklin st
Barnes James, wheelwright, Baltimore st. dw Schroeder st n of
Barnes Henry, carter, Apple alley s of Lancaster st
Barnes Nancy, sewer, s side Hillcn st w of Potter
Barnes Philip, carpenter, s side Constitution st n of French
Barnes Hannah, w side Bond st s of Bank
Barnes S. editor of the Clipper, e side Exeter st st n of Pitt
Barnes Wm. clerk Baltimore and O. R. R. Wilk st e of High
Barnes Samuel, labourer, Burgundy alley e Warner st
Barnes James G. Granby st e of Exeter
Barnes D. cooper, Salisbury st w of Exeter
Barnet B. grocer, Tyson aliey near Tyson st
Barnet mrs Susan, York st w of Light
Barnett Wm. mt tailor, 298 Balt st. dw Howard s of Madison
Barnett A. H. grocer and com mt, 90 Dugan's wharf
Barney mrs Mary, Lexington st between Eutaw and Paca
Barney John & Son, mts. Exchange, Gay st
Barney John, dw Calvert st opp city spring
Barney L. dw 61 n Charles st
Barney mrs Benny, Biddle alley near Ross st
Barney Joshua, surveyor, corner Saratoga and Courtland sts
Barnum D. proprietor City Hotel, cor Calvert and Fayette sts
Barr Joshua, mariner, Wilk st w of Eden
arr John S. chairmaker, s side Low st e of Front
Barr Margaret, s sfde Low st e of Front
Barr James, St Paul st n of Mulberry