Bandell Michael, shipsmith and machinist, O'Donnell's wharf
dw Exeter st near Trinity—see advertisement page 19 J
Bandell J. M. & P. block and pump makers, 83 McElderry's whf
Bandell Wm. shoemaker, 39 Second st e of Frederick
Bandell Wm. ropemaker, corner Lombard and Bond sts
Bangart Joseph, baker, Fell st s of Thames
Bangs Mary Ann, e side High st 2 doors s of Pitt
Bangs John, shoe store, 80 w Pratt st
Bangs Francis, comb maker, L Greene st s of Conway
Bangs Theophilus, shoemaker, corner Gough and Caroline sts
Bangs Wm. H. shoemaker, w side Hanover st 4 doors s of Bal-
timore, dw German st 3 doors w of Hartway's alley
Bank of Baltimore, n e corner Baltimore and St Paul sts
Bankard James, butcher, Hampstead st w of Choptank
Bankard Jacob J. butcher, Hampstead st w of Choptank
Bankard William, butcher, Hampstead st w of Choptank
Bankhead Robert, Pine st n of Mulberry
Bankherd Catharine, 69 Bond st
Banks John, dw Franklin st w of Cove
Banks mrs Barbara, Park st s of Clay
Banks Robert, clerk P. O. Monument st w of Canal
Banks Lewis, machinist, Cove st n of Pierce
Banks Abraham, tavern, corner Franklin and Cove sts
Banks Darid, furniture wagoner, e side Apple al s of Balt, st
Banks David, jr. shoemaker, e side Apple al s of Baltimore st
Banks John W. furniture wagoner, Saratoga st w of Howard
Banks Abraham, tavern keeper, Franklin st e of Cove
Bannan H. principal of Classical Academy, 26 n Gay st
Bannan John, grocer and shoe store, corner of Fleet and Bond st
Bannan Owen, n side Fish Market space
Bannenbeig Frederick, shoemaker/Perry st e of L Paca
Bannerman Wm. W. historical and general engraver, and cop-
perplate printer, 1 St Paul st. dvv 61 s High
Bannister Joseph, mattress maker, Eaton back of Ross st ext'd
Bannister George, manufacturer of paper hangings, and paper
hanger, corner Baltimore stand Market alley
Bannister Z. lace merchant, 107 Baltimore si. dw 69 Baltimore
Bannister Wm. plaisterer, w side Eutaw st S doors n of Franklin
Bannus Stephen, grocer, n w corner Light and West sts
Bantley Joseph, machinist, corner Hollins and Schroeder sts
Banz John, shoemaker, Apple alley s of Lancaster st
Barber capt John T. s side Baltimore st w of Caroline
Barber Reuben, shoemaker, Harford avenue n of Monument st
Barbmes Charles, fisher, Cross st w of William
Barbstz Adam, tailor, Lancaster st e of Bond
Bard A. & Co. cabinet makers, 322 Baltimore st
Bares John H. carpenter, Comet st w of Aisquith
Barge Mr. 68 n Howard st
Barger George, carpenter, Saratoga st w of Park
Barger Maurice, Sarah Ann st e of Cove
Barger Deeter, bricklayer, 140 Franklin st w of Pine