Baltimore John, shoemaker, Holliday st n of Bath
Baltimore Type Foundry, F. Lueas, jr. agent, Bank lane e of St
Paul street
Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road office, cor Light st and Wine alley
Baltimore & Susquehanna Rail Road office, 56 North st
Baltimore College, Mulberry st opposite the Cathedral, Horace
Morisson, A. M. principal—see University of Maryland
Baltimore Chemical Works, cor Columbia and Cove sts
Baltimore Life Insurance Co. office 15 South st. John I. Donald-
son, president
Baltimore Equitable Insurance Co. 19 South st
Baltimore Steam Packet Co. Thos. Sheppard, agent, office lower
end Spear's wharf
Baltimore Insurance Co. Saml. T. Thompson pres't. Exchange
Baltimore Bank of, corner St Paul and Baltimore sts—see
Baltimore Shot Tower, Gay st s of Saratoga
Baltimore Museum, n w corner Baltimore and Calvert sts
Baltimore Female Orphan Asylum, Mulberry st near Cathedral
Baltimore General Dispensary, n e cor Liberty and Fayette sis
Baltimore Eastern Dispensary, cor e Baltimore and Canal sts
Baltimore Infirmary, Lombard st w of Greene
Baltimore Arcade, Louisiana st. n side Lexington market
Baltimore Patriot, cor Baltimore and North sts. I. Monroe, pub.
Baltimore Saturday Visiter, 2 1/2 n Gay st. Dr. E. Snodgrass, pub
Baltimore Daily and Weeklv Sun, corner Baltimore and Gay sts.
A. S. Abell & Co. publishers
Baltimore Clipper, daily and weekly, 104 Baltimore st. Bull >
Tuttle, publishers
Baltimore Daily Whig, office 2i n Gay st
Baltimore Counterfeit Detector & Bank Note List, H. Wigman,
publisher, North st
Baltis Joseph, gardener, Happy alley n of Gough st
Baltus John, labourer, Lancaster st e of Bond
BaJtz Andrew, butcher, Baltimore st w of Schroeder
Baltzell J. & Co. wholesale dry goods dealers, 236 Baltimore st
Baltzell J. dw Charles st s of Mulberry
Baltzell Chas. of above firm, dw w side Hanover st n of Pratt
Baltzell Alexander, 17 Barnet st
Baltzell Thos. & Philip, wholesale dry goods mts. 282 Ball, st
Baltzell Thomaf, dw n e corner Paca and Fayette sts
Baltzer John, tailor, 48 n Gay st
Banberger Martin, carter, 93 Saratoga st 1 door w ofEutaw
Banberger Jas. A. blacksmith, cor Bond and Wilk sts. dw cor
Bank and Wolfe
Bancroft J. bricklayer, w side High st n of Baltimore
Bandell John, block and pump maker, McEIderry's wharf, dw
Exeter sts of Bank
Bandell mrs Margaret, variety stores, 1 and 2 Baltimore Arcade
Bandell George W. dyer, 28 Harrison st
Bandell Mrs. Madison st e of Aisquith
Bandell Frederick, shoemaker, Canal st n of Monument