Armstrong & Berry, booksellers and stationers, 134 Baltimore
Armstrong Robt. G. of above firm, dw Paca st. s of Mulberry
Armstrong mrs Matilda, Canal st n of L McElderry
Armstrong Henry, shoemaker, e side Eutaw sts of Franklin
Armstrong James, saddler, dw Albemarle st betw Stiles & Fawn
Armstrong A. firm Conway & Armstrong, dw Barre st e of Sharp
Armstrong mrs Elizabeth, Montgomery st e of Light
Armstrong James, soap and candle manufacturer, Concord st n of
Pratt, dw High w side n of Wilk
Armstrong Thomas, labourer, Albemarle st s of Wilk
Armstrong James Dunn, e side Cheapside over 2d door n of Pratt]
dw Calvert st n of Lexington
Armstrong A. S. fancy shoe store, Wilk st w of Market
Armstrong Solomon, shoemaker, Wilk st e of President
Armstrong Andrew, boat builder, Block st e of Wills
Armstrong Thomas, Happy alley w side n of Gough st
Armstrong Hosea, shoemaker, 34 Market st
Arnest Thomas M. firm Sewall, Baugher & Co. dw Howard st
betw German and Lombard
Arnett Ezekiel, barber, e side Paca st s of Franklin
Arnett Henry, shoemaker, 116 s Sharp st
Arno Jos. carpenter, Wilk st e of High
Arnold Davis, car driver, Columbia st w of Scott
Arnold Henry, baker, w side Front sts of Hillen
Arnold Francis, firm Daily & Arnold, 44 Sharp st
Arnold John, corner Pratt and Concord sts
Arnold Clement, labourer, Alley w of Poppleton sts of Baltimore
Arnold Geo W. baker and confectioner, 61 w Feyette st. see ad-
vertisrnent page 10
Arnold mrs M. fancy dress maker, Liberty st s of Lexington
Arnold Conrad, blacksmith, Schroeder st s of Baltimore
Arnold Thomas. Armistead lane w of William st
Arnold Thomas, shoemaker, corner Charles stand Sugar alley
Arnolde Geo. dentist, bleeder, cupper and barber, 23 Harrison st
Arring Henry, w side Happy alley s of Alice Anna st
Arthur Hugh, millwright, Saratoga st e of Cove
Arthur mrs Anna, confectionery, Camden st e of Hanover
Arzit Caesar, proprietor theatre tavern, Holiday st
Asbury Mr. baker, w side High st n of Pitt
Asbury College, over s w corner North and Fayette sts
Ash Nicholas J. ornamental painter, Wilk st w of Exeter
Ashbaugh John, tailor. Silver st e of Canal
Ashcom Alexander, pilot, S Canal st
Ashcroft Thomas, shipwright, Alice Anna st e of Wolf
Ashdown Mary, Exeter sr n of Gay
Asher Elizabeth, w side Bund sts of Baltimore
Ashley George, labourer, Union st near Ross
Ashley ———— w side Eytaw st opposite Clay
Ashton Lewis, Canton, eastern city limits
Ashton Thomas, iron founder, East st n of Pitt
Ashton Wm. E. dw Columbia st w of Green