Askew Mrs. 126 n Eutaw st
Askew Thomas, 276 n Howard st
Askey Jos. labourer, Wilk si opposite High
Askey John, boat builder, Gough st n of Granby
Askey Wm. cooper, Granby st e of Gough
Aspell David, clerk steam boat Jewess, Granby st e of High
Assart George, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
Assembly Rooms, corner Holliday and Fayette sts
Astregar Adam, painter, Eutaw st s of Lee
Aspinall James, grocer, Richmond st e of Tyson
Asylum (Christ Church) for female children, Mrs. Richards ma-
tron. 32 n Frederick st
Ater Adam, stone mason, Hammond alley w of Caroline st
Atkinson Joshua, St Paul st n of Mulberry
Atkinson Samuel carpenter, Mulberry st w of Pearl
Atkinson Thomas, bricklayer, Wagon alley w of Poppleton st
Atkinson Henry, clerk, Cove st n of Saratoga
Atkinson H. B. firm Roberts & Atkinson, Lombard st w of Green
Atkinson John H. merchant tailor, 40 Baltimore st. dw Plowman
opposite Albemarle
Atkinson ———— barber, Orleans st e of Friendship
Atkinson David, carpenter, e side Constitution st n of French
Atkinson Thomas, shoemaker, e side Paca st s of Lexington
Atkinson James, barber, n side Gay st e of High
Atkinson Thos. C. engineer, B. & O. R. R. e side High st s of Low
Atkinson miss Margaret, dress maker, s Paca st at bend
Atkinson Eleonor, 20 Alice Anna st
Atkinson Angelo, ship carpenter, Wolfe st s of Wilk
Atkinson Joshua, grocer, 22 Market st
Atkinson Thomas, sailmaker, Eden st s of Gough
Atwell William, Canton
Atweil Jno. ship carpenter, e side Argyle alley s of Alice Anaa st
Atwell Samuel, carter, Scott st s of West
Atwell Nathaniel, shiprwight, Fountain st e of Washington
Atwell Capt. Benjamin, corner Philpot and Wills sts
Atwell John, tavern, Camden st w of Light
Atwood S. & B. manufacturer of straw bonnets, and dealers in
straw goods, manuf. in Franklin, Mass. 187 Baltimore st
up stairs, dw mrs. Griffith's, cor Eutaw and Fayette sts
Atwood John, cabinet maker, Monument st e of Constitution
Auberry P. shoemaker, Monument st w of Caroline
Audoun Lewis, firm Merritt & Audoun,dw Wilk st w of Canal
Audown Lewis, hardware merchant 41 Thames, st
Auer Jacob, baker, George st w of Penn avenue
Auermann Jacob, japanner, dw Harrison st near Gay
Aughenbaugh John, e side Liberty alley near French st
Augt Frederick, Fell st opposite Wolfe
Auld Hadaway, n w corner Eutaw st and Arcade alley
Auld Dorson, carter, Charles st n of Hamburg
Auld Edward, clerk, Lee st w of Charles
Auld Hugh, lumber inspector, Block st w of Thames