Appleby Elizabeth, seamstress, East st n of Pitt
Appleby Rebecca, boarding house, Lombard st w of Exeter
Applegarth Alexander, grocer and com. mt. 92 Dugans whf. dw
An side Baltimore st w of High
Applegarth Capt. High st s of Fawn
Applegarth mrs Elizabeth, Montgomery st e of Light
Applegarth Robert, shoemaker, Howard st n of York
Appler Jesse, temperance hotel, Camden st w of Light
Appleton Mrs. 6 Barnet st
Appleton Wm S. dry good merchant, dw Monument st w of Park
Appleton Robert, tobaconist, 8 Hill st
Appold Geo. & Son, proprietors of Howard Factory, tannery,
North st opposite the Jail
Appold Geo. of firm, dw 21 Calvert st opp Universalist Church
Appold Andrew, Monument st e of Gay
Appold Samuel, tanner, corner Gravel alley and Mulberry st
Apprentices' Library, over s w corner North and Fayette sts
Arcade Baltimore, Louisiana st opp Lexingion market
Archer James, blacksmith, Concord st near Lombard, dw Front
s of Plowman
Archer R. H. Lexingion st e of Charles
Archibald Samuel, engineer, w side Light st n of Heneritta
Aedin David, ladies' shoemaker, 83 Harrison st
Arieu Edward, tobacconist, s side Baltimore st w of Canal
Arlow mrs Lucretia, Canal st s of L McEiderry
Armacost Joshua, labourer, Low st w of Potter
Armager Benjamin, L Hampstead st e of Caroline
Armager John H. carpenter, Ensor st n of Madison
Armager Letetia, w side Exeter st n of Pitt
Armager John, shoemaker, Harford Avenue s of Madison st
Armager Jesse, comb maker, 174 Hanover st
Armager Joseph, comb maker. Hill street w of Hanover
Armistead & Manning, hardware merchants, 171 1/2 Baltimore st
Armistead C. H. of above firm, dw corner Franklin and Park sts
Armistead Mrs. Col. George. 113 Hanover st
Armitage mrs Ann, s w corner Lexingfon and Howard sts
Armitage mrs Sarah, Mulberry st e of Poppleton
Armitage James, M. D. n w corner Paca and Fayette sts
Armons James, Aisquiih sts of Madison
Armor Thomas C. grocer, corner Orchard and Ross sts
Armour Joseph G. house, sign and fancy painter, se corner Hol-
iday and Fayette sts—see advertiisment page 8
Armour James, firm Lake & Co. dw Baltimore st opp Aisquith
Armour John, mt tailor, 9 n Liberty st. d w Pearl n of Lexington
Armstrong Thomas, dry goods mt. 157 Baltimore st. dw Lexing-
ton between Charles and Liberty
Armstrong James L. collector, e end New Church st [page 8
Armstrong Thomas, saddler, 16 n Liberty st—see advertisment
Armstrong John, shoe dealer, 159 Baltimore st
Armstrong Wm. & Co. wholesale dry goods mts. 189 Balt st
Armstrong Wm. of above firm, dw Lexington st w of Charles