and Pratt street; thence along the centre of Hanover street to Ostend
street; thence west along Ostend street to the north side of the middle
branch of the Patapsco; thence along the shores of the middle, main, and
northwest branch of Patapsco to Light street; thence along the eastern
side of Light street to Pratt street; thence along the centre of Pratt
street to the place of beginning.
The TENTH WARD to comprise all that part of the city contained
within the following bounds:—Beginning at the intersection of Pratt and
Hanover streets; thence southwardly along the centre of Hanover street
to Ostend street; thence westwardly to the middle branch of the Patapsco;
thence along the north shore of middle brunch of the Patapsco to the
mouth of Chatsworth run; thence along the centre of said run to Cove
street; thence south along Cove street to south Paca street; thence along
Paca street to Pratt street; thence eastwardly along Pratt street to the
place of beginning.
The ELEVENTH WARD to comprise all that part of the city con-
tained within the following bounds:—Beginning at the intersection of
Pratt and Hanover streets; thence north along Hanover btreet to Balt-
imore street; thence west along Baltimore street to Liberty street; thence
along Liberty street to Saratoga street; thence west along Saratoga street
to College Alley; thence north along College Alley to Mulberry street;
thence west along Mulberry street to Greene street; thence southwardly
along Greene street to Fayette street; thence eastwardly along Fayette
street to Paca street; thence southwardly along Paca street to Pratt street;
thence eastwardly along Pratt street to the place of beginning.
The TWELFTH WARD to comprise all that part of the city contain-
ed within the following bounds:—Beginning at the intersection of Fayette
and Paca streets; thence south along Paca street to Cove street; thence
northwardly along Cove street to Chatsworth run; thence southerly
along Chatsworth run to the middle branch of the Patapsco; thence along
the Patapsco to Gwynn's Falls; thence along Gwynn's Falls to the city
limits; thence along the city limits to Fayette street; thence east along
Fayette street to the place of beginning.
The THIRTEENTH WARD to comprise all that part of the city
contained within the following bounds:—Beginning at the intersection
of Greene and Fayette streets; thence northwardly along Greene street to
Pennsylvania avenue; thence along said avenue to the city limits; thence
along the north and western limits to Fayette street; thence along Fay-
ette street to the place of beginning.
FOURTEENTH WARD to comprise all that part of the city con-
tained within the following bounds:—Beginning at the intersection of
Mulberry and Cathedral streets; thenre westwardly along Mulberry street
to Greene street; thence northwardly along Greene street to Pennsylvania
avenue; thence along said avenue to the city limits; thence eastwardly
along the city limits to Cathedral street; thence southwardly along Cath-
edral street to the place of beginning.
SOLOMON HILLER, Jr. Mayor, vice Saml. Brady, resigned.
JESSE HUNT, Register.
First Branch City Council.—HENRY SNYDER, President.
Henry R. Lauderman, J. A. Ramsay, . .1st Ward.
Joseph Ramsay, Wm. Rochester, . . . 2d "