Keys James, sawyer, Happy al e side n of Wilk st
Keys Anna, huckster, Perry st e of Eutaw
Keys Vachel, Concord st betw Pratt and Lombard
Kiam John, sawyer, Douglass st e of Forest
Kim Ellen, washer, Saratoga st w of Greene
King Ruth, washer, Scott st n of West
King Mary, washer, Johnson st s of Cross
King Dorcas, Spring st e of Wilk
King Arthur, hackman, s side Carpenter's al betw Howard and
Eutaw sts
Knight Solomon, labourer, Biddle al near Ross st
LABAR Eli, hackman, 40 Park st
Lacount James, labourer, Strawberry al s of Wilk st
Laddy Moses, labourer, Scott st s of Columbia
Lame Granny, w side Caroline st s of Lombard
Landrick Mary, washer, Lerew's al s of Mulberry st
Landsay Ann washer, Howard st s of Barre
Lane Abrm. coachman, L Pleasant st betw Charles and Park sts
Lane Benjamin, carpenter, Biddle al near Ross st
Lanzy Nathan, barber, cor Baltimore and Spring sts
Lanzay Catharine, washer, L Pleasant st near Chapel al
La Pratt John B. barber, Eutaw st opp New Market engine h.
Lard Richard, porter, East st n of Douglass
Larkins James, carter, Jasper st s of Ross
Larks Alex. Lerew's al s of Centre st
Lasher Lewis, Marion st near Lexington
Lawrence Richard, whitewasher, Hill st e of Charles
Lawrence Hercules, sawyer, Happy al e side n of Wilk
Lazier Lewis, w side Jew alley
Lebrant Mary, seamstress, Pitt st w of Canal
Le Count David, mariner, Apple al n of Wilk st
Lee Wm. W. barber, n Gay st near Baltimore, dw East st betw
Douglass and Pitt
Lee Charles, labourer, Welcome al w of Sharp st
Lee Henry, waiter, Centre st w of Charles
Lee Philip, porter, Howard st s of Barre
Lee Daniel, labourer, St Mary st w of Ross
Lee Wm. drayman, Pierce st w of Pearl
Lee Phillip, drayman, Run al n of Fayette st
Lee Caesar, drayman Lerew's al n of Saratoga
Lee Edward, engineer, e side Canal st n of Silver
Lee Sampson, whitewasher, Short st n of Orleans
Lee Joseph, stevadore, do do
Lee Rev. Levin, Short st s of Jefferson
Lee James, labourer, Spring st n of Baltimore
Lee Samuel, Jasper st near Ross
Lee Jacob, sexton Asbury chapel, Douglass st e of East
Lee Nancy, washer, e side Sterling st n of Monument
Lee Rebecca, washer, Forest st s of Douglass
Lee Isaac, carter, Painter's court w of Exeter st s of Pitt