LEE 450 LOT]
Lee Wm. labourer, w side Strawberry al n of Pratt st
Lee Julia Ann, w side Painter's court s of Pitt st
Lee Charles, w side Apple al n of Pratt st
Lee Lloyd, seaman, Con way st e of Hanover
Lee Abram, carter, w side Apple al n of Lombard st
Lee Nancy, Perry st e of Eutaw
Lee Rachel, laundress, Lombard st w of Canal
Legason Rachel, washer, Elbow lane w of Paca st
Lego Jeremiah, drayman, Jew al near Lexington st
Lemmon James, drayman, Alien al w of Gough st
Lemmons Wm. labourer, e side Canal st n of Silver
Lemmons John, carter, w side Potter st 3 doors s of Douglass
Leonard Robert, labourer, Leadenhall st
Lester John, labourer, York st w of Hanover
Lester Arthur, labourer, York st w of Hanover
Letherberry Levin, labourer, Leadenhall st
Levy Matilda, washer, Potter st n of Hillen
Lewis Matilda, washer, Clay st w of Park
Lewis John, labourer, Union st near Ross
Lewis Salleurs, seamstress, Park st s of Saratoga
Lewis John, labourer, alley betw Harford and York av running
n from Madison st
Lewis Thomas, brickmaker, Jasper st s of Ross
Lewis Peter, Jasper st near Ross
Lewis Andrew, blacksmith, Elbow lane w of Paca st
Lewis Andrew, waiter, Granby st near E Falls av
Lewis Joseph, caulker, Happy al s of Wilk st
Lewis Rose, w side Apple al s of Alice Anna st
Lewis John, caulker, w side Strawberry al n of Gough st
Lillet E. washer, Union st near Penn av
Lamas John L. Sharp st n of Lexington
Limas Maria, washer, L Pleasant st near Chapel alley
Lindenberger Daniel, labourer, Asbury Inne near Hollins St
Lingam Julia Ann, washer, Ensor st n of Madison
Linker Elizabeth, washer, Mulberry st w of State
Lively James, blacksmith, w side Potter st s of Low
Lively Elizabeth, washer, e side Potter st n of Pitt
Lloyd Wm. Argyle alley s of Wilk st
Lockerman Nathan, sawyer, Saratoga st w of Schroeder
Lockman Thomas, whip sawyer, w side Spring st n of Gough
Locks mrs Chaney, e side Apple al n of Wilk st
Locks Diana, e side Apple al n of Wilk st
Locks Stephen, labourer, w side Strawberry al s oF Bank st
Lodge Moses, mariner, Hammond al w of Caroline st
Lomax David, caulker, Fleet st e of Bond
London James P. waiter, w side East st s of Douglass
Long Cato, gardener, alley betw Caroline and Spring sts
Louden Priscilla, laundress, w side Spring st s of Wilk
Lougherman David, Happy al s of Alice Anna st
Louis Joseph, hair dresser, 49 Thames st dw Happy al betw
Wilk and Fleet sts