Jones Clementine, washer, Mott st n of Gay
Jones Harriet, washer, Forest st n of Douglass
Jones ———, East st n of Douglass
Jones Henry, ropemaker, w side East st n of Douglass
Jones Charlotte, e side Exeter st s of French
Jones Dennis, e side Exeter st s of French
Jones Hannah, Asbury lane near Hollins st
Jones Thomas, labourer, Elbow lane w of Warner st
Jones Ellison, labourer, Guilford al w of Light st
Jones James, labourer, Hill st e of Howard
Jones Henry, labourer, Sugar al w of Light st
Jones Henry, sawyer, do do do
Jones Rachel, Wiiliamson al e of Light st
Jones George, labourer, Cross st e of Johnson
Jones George, sailor, Johnson st s of West
Jones Mitchell, labourer, Stump al s of Conway st
Jones Isaac, drayman, Howard st, s of Barre
Jones Joseph, cheese dealer, 17 Thames st
Jones Elijah, sawyer, Lancaster st w of Ann
Jones Fanny, huckster, cor Granby st and E Falls av
Jones Ann, laundress, Lombard st w of Canal
Jones John A. barber, n side Baltimore st e of High
Jones Washington, labourer, Star al n of Fleet st
Jones Richard, caulker, Wolfe st s of Fleet
Jones John W. Happy al e side n of Lancaster st
Jones Thomas, Ann st e side s of Gough
Jones David, Ann st e side s of Gough
Jones Robert, w side Argyle al s of Fleet st
Jones George, labourer, e side Strawberry al s of Lombard st
Jones James, labourer, e side Spring st n of Gough
Jones Thomas, ostler, Osbourn's court near Bath st
Jones Wm. sawyer, w side Light st n of Cross
Jesse Sarah, huckster, w side Potter st 7 doors s of Low st
Jordan John, cabinet maker, w side Potter st n of Low
Jordon Benjamin, labourer, e side Bond st w of Pratt
KEENER Biddy, huckster, Saratoga st e of Pearl
Keener James, labourer, St Mary st w of Ross
Kees Henry, oysterman, Low st w of Potter
Keets Daniel, caulker, 72 Argyle al n of Fleet st
Keith Charles, caulker, Happy al s of Wilk st
Kell David, stevadore, Leadenhall st
Kelly Moses, Jasper st near Eutavv meeting house
Kemp Joseph, labourer, Conway st w of Howard
Kemper————, sawyer, Hull lane e of Forest st
Kennard Nicholas, labourer, w side Caroline st s of Lombard
Kent Hester, washer, Potter st sol Douglass
Kent Wm. labourer, Sugar al e of Charles st
Kent Hester, Arch al w side Potter st betw Douglass and Pitt
Keys Frances Ann, huckster, Perry st e of Eutaw
Keys Minta, e side Potter st n of Pitt