Johnson James, carter, Sugar al e of Hanover st
Johnson Jesse, stevadore, Sugar al w of Light st
Johnson Joseph, stevadore, Williamson al e of Charles St
Johnson ———, labourer, Cross st w of Johnson
Johnson Henry, drayman, Charles st n of West
Johnson James, blacksmith, Leadenhall st
Johnson Lewis, barber, Howard st s of Con way
Johnson Samuel, drayman, Howard st 8 of Barre
Johnson Henry, carter, cor Wilk st and Strawberry alley
Johnson Charles, labourer, Bank st e of Ann
Johnson Rachel, Block st w of Wills
Johnson Eliza, Granby st near E Falls av
Johnson Rachel, Happy al w side n of Lancaster
Johnson Thomas, Happy al w side s of Alice Anna st
Johnson Mrs. Henny, Happy al w side s of Wilk st
Johnson Robert, Happy al w side n of Gough
Johnson Ann, washer, Girard's court, near Perry st
Johnson Edward, barber, Market st n of Lancaster, dw McEl-
derry's wharf
Johnson John, labourer, e side Spring st n of Wilk
Johnson Lydia, Apple al e side n of Lancaster st
Johnson Robert, baker, Caroline st e side n of Gough st
Johnson Nathan, labourer, Bond st w side s of Bank
Johnson Edward, carter, e side Strawberry al s of Bank st
Johnson George C. shoemaker, East st n of Douglass
Johnson Henry, shoemaker, Hawk st e of Market space
Johnson & Brown, whitewashers and wall colorers, corner of
Painter's court, s of Pitt st
Johnston Prez. drayman, Madison st w of Sterling
Jones Henry, waiter, Fayette st betw Pine st and Run alley
Jones John, drayman, cor Raborg st and Run alley
Jones Wm. tavern, 19 Saratoga st
Jones David, Jew alley near Lexington st
Jones Juliet, Welch al near Lexington st
Jones Violet, Saratoga st w of Schroeder
Jones Elizabeth, Clay st e of Park
Jones N. F. sawyer, St Mary st w of Ross
Jones Samuel, labourer, Pierce st e of Cove
Jones David, labourer, Pearl st n of Fayette
Jones Gideon, carpenter, Union al e of Eden st
Jones Levin, drayman, Mullikin st n of Fairmount
Jones Harriet, washer, Monument st w of Eden
Jones Joshua, caulker, Madison st w of Sterling
Jones Margaret Ann. washer, e side Canal st n of Pitt
Jones Rebecca, washer, Short st s of Short alley
Jones Charles, caulker, do do do
Jones Joseph, waiter, Short st s of Jefferson
Jones Benjamin, scavinger, Douglass st w of Potter
Jones Andrew, porter, Douglass st w of Forest
Jones Henry, washer, Douglass st w of Aisquith
Jones Julia, Ensor st n of Madison