Johnson Robert, waiter, Low st e of Forest
Johnson Samuel, labourer, Hull lane e of Forest st
Johnson Abraham, farmer, Hull lane e of Forest st
Johnson Wm. drayman, Hull lane w of Aisquith st
Johnson Hetty, Douglass st vv of Aisquith
Johnson Henry, clothes dealer, Ensor st near Madison
Johnson Charity, washer, n e cor Sterling and Monument sts
Johnson John, labourer, e side Forest st s of Hull lane
Johnson Geo. shoemaker, East st n of Douglass
Johnson Dolly, washer, vv side East st n of Douglass
Johnson James H. coachman, Potter st n of Douglass
Johnson Toby, labourer, Arch al. w side Potter st s of Douglass
Johnson Sarah, Painters' court, w of Exeter st s of Pitt
Johnson Benj. sailor, Painters' court, w of Exeter st s of Pitt
Johnson Nicholas, carter, e side Potter st n of Douglass
Johnson Minty, e side Potter st n of Douglass
Johnson James, labourer, w side Strawberry alley n of Gough st
Johnson James, labourer, e side Strawberry alley s of Bank st
Johnson Wm. carter, e side Strawberry alley s of Bank st
Johnson Thos. stevadore, Slemmer alley n of Stiles st
Johnson Wm. labourer, Salisbury alley e of Exeter st
Johnson Wm. carter, Hog alley e of Spring st
Johnson Marg. Jane, Osbourn's court near Bath st
Johnson Henry, shoemaker, s side Hawk st
Johnson Edward, barber, dw s end McElderry's wharf
Johnson Julia Ann, washer, French lane
Johnson D. labourer, alley e side Charles st s of Camden
Johnson Wm. Perry st w of Howard
Johnson Jane, washer, Perry st w of Howard
Johnson Servin, drayman, Dover st e of Eutaw
Johnson Edward, labourer, Dover st e of Eutaw
Johnson Adam, furniture carman, s side Lombard st w of Light
Johnson Nathan, whitewasher, s side Lombard st w of Light
Johnson Sarah, Painters' court, 1 door s of Pitt st w of Exeter
Johnson Sarah, labourer, State st n of Franklin
Johnson Rachel, huckster, Necessity alley
Johnson John, carter, w side Exeter st n of Gay
Johnson Rich. R. furniture carman, e side Liberty st s of Frer.c
Johnson Jesse, labourer, St Peter st w of Scott
Johnson Fanny, washer, Dover st w of Eutaw
Johnson Aquilla, carter, Columbia st opp Emory
Johnson Wm. stevadore, Elbow lane w of L Greene st
Johnson Philissa, washer, Perry st e of L Paca
Johnson Samuel, labourer, Eutaw st n of Lee
Johnson Mager, cook, Comvay st w of Howard
Johnson Maria, washer, do do
Johnson Wm. Perry st w of Howard
Johnson Cassandra, washer, Welcome al w of Sharp st
Johnson Wm. porter, Wayne st w of Howard
Johnson Ann E. washer, L Hughes st e of Charles
Johnson Frank, drayman, L Hughes st w of Hanover