Jenkins Margaret, laundress, s side Salisbury st e of Canal
Jenkins John, labourer, w side Strawberry alley s of Wilk st
Jenkins Wm. labourer, w side Strawberry alley s of Bank st
Jenkins Joshua, blacksmith, w side Spring st n of Gough
Jenkins James, mariner, Slemmer alley s of Fawn st
Jennings Thos. Biddle st near George
Jerome Hager, washer, York st e of Sharp
Jiles Henry, sawyer, w side Happy alley s of Bank st
Johns Francis, cor Jew alley and Marion st
Johns John, waiter, Davis st s of Franklin
Johns Moses, "Poor old Moses," w side Potter st s of French
Johns Isaac, labourer, Elbow lane w of Warner st
Johns Richard, waiter, Girard's court in or near Perry st
Johnson Thomas, Raborg st e of Pine
Johnson Stanley, Marion st w of Park
Johnson Thos. whitewasher, Marion st e of Howard
Johnson ———— dress maker, Holliday st s of Bath
Johnson Saml. Sharp st near Baltimore
Johnson Charles, caulker, w side Spring st s of Gough
Johnson Abby, washer, Mulberry st w of Pearl
Johnson Peter, stevadore, Peach alley w of Pearl st
Johnson Job, labourer, Chatsworth st s of Franklin
Johnson Philip, shoe mender, Chestnut alley w of Pearl st
Johnson Horace, porter, Chestnut alley w of Pearl st
Johnson Isaac, labourer, Sarah Ann st e of Cove
Johnson Saml. porter, Sarah Ann st e of Poppleton
Johnson Jerry, labourer, Biddle alley near Ross st
Johnson Robert, drayman, Biddle alley near Ross st
Johnson Robt, D. shoemaker, Davis st n of Bath
Johnson Ceceiia, washer, Davis st n of Bath
Johnson Jane, Baltimore st w of Schroeder
Johnson Wm. Baltimore st w ofSchroeder
Johnson Frederick, labourer, Baltimore st e of Gilmor
Johnson Wm. drayman. Lerew's alley n of Mulberry st
Johnson Nelson, whitewasher, Park st s of Saratoga
Johnson Mrs. cor Canal st and Short alley
Johnson Edward, porter, Lewis st n of Orleans
Johnson Philip, fisher, Lewis st n of Orleans
Johnson Cassy, washer, Lewis st n of Orleans
Johnson Patience, washer, Lewis st n of Mullikin
Johnson Chas. dravman, Lewis st n of Mullikin
Johnson Wm. labourer, Short st s of Short alley
Johnson Isaac, blacksmith, Short alley near Canal st
Johnson Maria, washer, alley betw Aisquith and Sterling sts. s
from Madison
Johnson James, shoemaker, Jasper st n of New
Johnson Susan, washer, Jasper st s of New
Johnson Wm. Johnson st near Ross
Johnson James, Penn, avenue opp Hoffman st
Johnson Wm. sawyer, Bank lane near Aisquith st
Johnson Henry, Low st w of Aisquith