Wedekind Lewis, carpenter, Howard st near Hill, dw Paca st
w of L Greene
Wedge Simon, collector and agent, Lloyd st s of Salisbury
Weedon Frisby, tailor, Eden st s of Orleans
Weeks James, blacksmith, Jefferson st w of Spring
Weeks Thomas, well digger, Lewis st n of Orleans
Weems Levin M. firm Weems & Bro. dw Hill st w of Light
Weglein Aaron, locksmith, 165 Bond st
Wegner Dr. A. 48 n Charles st
Wegner Christian, shoemaker, Ross st extended
Wehager Henry, drayman, 28 New Church st
Wehn Philip, baker, Con way st e of Eutaw
Wehrly Jonathan, carpenter, 96 n Howard st
Weigan Tobias, block cutter, e side Exeter st s of Low
Weigel Geo. grocer, cor Montgomery and Sharp sus
Weiger John, blacksmith, cor Low and Potter sts
Weiheim Conrad, shoemaker, Wagon alley e of Eutaw st
Wein Michael, weaver, Saratoga st w of Schroeder
Weingardt Geo. tailor, President st n of Wilk
Weinhagen Geo. fancy goods dealer, 9 s Liberty st
Weinhardt Fredk. grocer, Gay st, near Mott
Weinman Henry, b^ker, Bond st s of Fleet
Weir Elias, Hollins st w of Amity
Weir Henry, engineer, Hollins st w of Amity
Weis Gotfred, tailor, e side Short st near Orleans
Weishampel C. store, McElderry's wharf, dw 95 s Howard st
Weisler Abram, pedlar, Bond st s of Fleet
Weisman Jacob, painter, w side Howard st n of Conway
Weistman Henry, shoemaker, Eden st s of Bank
Weitenniver Anthony, labourer, alley w of William st s of West
Weiter Caspar, shoemaker, Saratoga si e of Cove
Weitzel Jacob, shoemaker, cor Stiles and High sts
Weitzel & Bro. dry goods dealers, 6 1/2 Centre market space
Weitzel James, of firm, dw 6 1/2 Market space
Weitzel Thomas, of firm, dw 6 1/2 Market space
Welch Laban, dw cor Lexington and Rock sts
Welch John, ship painter, Thames e of Ann, dw Ann s of Wilk
Welch mrs Lydia, principal of female school, 28 n Frederick st
Welch John, watchman, Lancaster st w of Bond
Welch James, tailor, cor New and Jasper sts
Welch John, ship painter, Market st cor Wilk
Welch John M. Eden st n of Orleans
Welch Jane, Wilk st w of Spring
Welch James, fur dealer, 60 s Calvert st
Welch Robt. M. notary public and justice of peace, 46 Lombard
st opp Custom house
Welch Nicholas, carter, cor Camden and Charles sts
Weld & Jenks, com. mts. 8 Bowly's wharf
Weld Geo. F. of firm, dw Franklin st 2 doors e of Charles
Welham W. tavern, n side Fish market
Wellener Thomas, ship carpenter, Canton