Weller Joseph, firm Hollingsworth & Weller, 61 1/2 n Howard st
Weller mrs Mary, n side Fish market space
Weller Christopher, wagoner, Green willow st near Penn av
Weller Reuben, cabinet and picture frame maker, w side Eutaw
st n of Fayette
Weller Chas. pedlar, Fleet st w of Argyle alley
Welling J. W. n side Fayette st betw Pine and Cove
Wellmore Edward, portrait painter, Law buildings, cor St Paul
and Lexington sts. dw Lexington st extended
Wells John, tailor, s e cor Pine and Fayette sts
Wells Miss, Marion st near Howard
Wells Thomas, Cove st n of Mulberry
Wells Edward A. letter carrier, Park st s of Mulberry
Wells mrs Elizabeth, Caroline st n of Baltimore
Wells Wm. carpenter, Jasper st near Lexington
Wells Joseph, shoemaker, n side Sterling st e of Mott
Wells J. W. tax collector, w side Exeier st n of Low
Wells R. H. carpenter, York st e of Charles
Wells Andrew H. butcher, Choptank st s of Hampstead
Wells & Miller, engineers and iron fbunders, n e cor Fleet and
President sts—see advertisement p 6
Wells John, of firm, dw cor Exeter and Fawn
Wells Peter, butcher, Exeter st opp Methodist church
Wells John W. do do do
Wells Edward, inspector of customs, Pratt st e of Gough
Wellslager Jacob, city bailiff, cor Bond and Lancaster sts
Wellslager Geo. ale and oyster house, e side Liberty st 3 doors
s of Lombard
Wellslager Stephen, house painter, Lancaster st w of Bond
Wellslager Joseph M. blacksmith, Alice Anna st w of Bond
Welmore ———— portrait painter, w end Lexington st
Welsh J. carpenter, North st 2d door s of Bath
Welsh mrs Eleanor, Calvert st s of Pleasant
Welsh John, weaver, Pierce st w of Chatsworth
Welsh David, shoemaker, Amity st n of Lexington
Welsh Griffin, labourer, Poppleton st n of Raborg
Welsh Wm. tobRcconist, 2 n Eutaw st. dvv Pine s of Pierce
Welsh mrs M. 75 n Greene st
Welsh mrs Blanche, s side Gay st w of High
Welsh James, drayman, Lee si e of Charles
Welsh Michael, labourer, Wayne st e of Howard
Welsh John, fisher, Cross st e of Johnson
Welsh William, wharfinger, Wilson's wharf, dw Philpot st w of
Welsh Patrick, labourer, Slemmer alley s of Stiles st
Welsh & Murray, tavern and eating house, 37 Cen. mar. space
Welsh Ellen, Balderston st e of Charles
Welshoffer Henry, carpenter, Pine st s of Franklin
Weltley Valentine, labourer, Hamburg st. Fed. hill
Wemison Andrew, domestic man. Preston st near Ross
Wemyer Daniel, well digger, cor Jasper and New sts