Weaver Wm. agent and constable, Bank st w of Bond
Weaver Daniel, constable, at Esq Cloud's office, dw cor Pratt
and Market sis
Weaver Hannah, w side Happy alley s of Bank st
Weaver Mary, dry goods store, Market st n of Lancaster
Weaver mrs Catharine, e side Canal st s of Baltimore
Weaver Henry, drayman, President st s of Pratt
Weaver John A. tailor, rear of 70 Centre market space
Webb Geo. W. goldsmith, jeweller, and manufacturer of fine
jewelry, 1744 Baltimore st. dw 22 w Fayette st
Webb James, 22 w Fayette st
Webb Eleanor, fruit, &c. dealer, dw 93 Saratoga st w of Eutaw
Webb John, goldsmith, Fayette st. dw Eutaw court opposite
Eutaw church
Webb John, w side Bond st s of Gough
Webb L. W. music engraver, Pearl st n of Raborg
Webb Augustus P. & Co. grocers, cor Paca and Lexington sts
Webb Abner, of firm, dw 61 Greene st near Lexington
Webb A. P. of firm, dw Greene st near Lexington
Webb Chas. snap andi candlle man. Ensor st n of Madison
Webb Milton, grocer, corr Paca and L Paca sts
Wehb Henry, lotterv broker, 33 w Pratt st. dw Paca at bend
Webb Wm. turner, Fleet st w of Wolfe
Webb Sarah, Wilk st w of Washington
Webb Milton, grocer, cor Pratt st and Strawberry alley
Webb Geo. firm Joseph Stewart & Co. Baltimore st e of Lloyd
Webb John H. carter, Star alley n of Fleet st
Webb mrs Jaw, hotel, cor Pratt and South sts
Webdel Harman E. firm Bechler Francis & Co. dw cor Frederck
and Porter sts
Weber Edward & Co. lithographic printers, s w cor Baltimore
and Light sts
Weber Edward dw Aisquith st s of Chew
Weber Lewis, tavern keeper, 78 Harrison st
Weber Mary Ann, huckster, Shakespeare st e of Bond
Weber F. W. teacher German school, n Gay st. dw Harrison
Webler John, labourer, William st n of Giddings's row
Webster Mahlon D. proprietor Coffee and Reading rooms, North
st n of Post office
Webster Rev. Augustus, cor Paca and Mulberry sts
Webster Wm. Henry, shoemaker, Neighbour st betw York an
Harford avenue
Webster Miss, seamstress, Pitt st w of Aisquith
Webster Geo. blacksmith, w side Exeter st n of Hillen
Webster Henry, labourer, Montgomery st w of Light
Webster Dr. W. H. Charles st n of Barre
Webster Ormsby, lieutenant of watch, eastern district, dw Bank
st w of Wolff
Webster Wm. carpenter, s side Carpenter's alley betw Howard
and Eutaw sts
Wedekand John, bookbinder, Fayette st betw Pine and Core st