Watts ——— dealer in Baltimore Arcade
Watts capt Wm. J. e side Canal st s of Baltimore
Watts John Wesley, carpenter, Holliday st s of Pleasant
Watts mrs Eleanor D. boarding house, Albemarle s of Lombard
Watts John, painter, Howard st near Richmond market
Watts Kinsey, stone mason, Mulberry st w of Pearl
Watts Nathaniel, Orleans st w of Canal
Watts mrs Cecelia, huckster, Monument st e of Constitution
Watts capt Frederick, Pitt st e of Eden
Watts Geo. W. s side Falls st e of Liberty alley
Watts Chas. R. carpenter, Comet st w of Aisquith
Watts capt Henry, bay trader, s end McElderry's wharf
Watts Alien, cor Pratt and Amity sis
Watts mrs J. A. seamstress, Burgundy alley w of L Greene
Watts Richard, painter, Camden st near Paca, dw cor Conway
and L Greene
Watts Wm. Con way st w of L Paca
Watts Reverdy, painter, Lee st w of Eutaw
Watts Kanelon, pilot, cor Wilk and Ann sts
Watts capt Wm. J. Pratt st e of Caroline
Watts George, porter, Philpot alley w of Gough st
Watts Peter A. rope man. 66 Bowly's wharf, dw s side Balti-
more st e of Canal
Waugh Rev. Beverly, Bishop Meth. Episc. church, Greene st n
of Cider alley
Waurch Maurice, cabinet maker, L Paca st n of Conway
Wayne Lewis, dyer, 11 Jackson's court, betw Saratoga and Lex-
ington sts e of Rock
Weakley James P. cabinet maker, Pitt st w of Eden
Weart Conrad, labourer, Pierce st e of Cove
Weaver John, importer and domestic hardware store, 50 w Lex-
ington st. dw Lexington e of Howard
Weaver Joseph, dw Lexingtou st w of Pine
Weaver J. painter, Lexington st w of Howard, dw Ross st near
Biddle alley
Weaver ———— professor of music, 46 Harrison st
Weaver Henry, cabinet maker and undertaker, n Gay st rear of
Christ church
Weaver Caspar, painter, Ross st near Biddle
Weaver Caspar, chemist, w side Light st s of Gittings's row
Weaver & Gibson, painters, cor Baltimore and Greene sts
Weaver John, gardener, Harford avenue near rope walk
Weaver D. C. w side Eutaw st near Madison
Weaver Jacob, sexton St Peter's church, 46 n Eutaw st
Wearer Jacob, wheelwright, w side Exeter st n of Gay
Weaver John, blacksmith, Hollins st w of Amity
Weaver Caspar, carter, Hamburg st e of Light
Weaver File, shoemaker, William st s of Cross
Weaver Martin, labourer, Shakspeare st e of Bond
Weaver John, tinner, Wilk st e of Bond
Weaver George E. s side Wilk st w of Canal