Slaysman Mary, huckster, Fork av n of Madison st
Slee John, e side Gay st s of East
Sleeger Daniel, printer, e side Exeter st n of Pitt
Slemmer Christian, U. S. watchman, Pratt st e of President
Sleret Joseph, basket maker, Fleet st e of Bond
Slesinger Nanette, clothes dealer, Lombard st 2d door s of Mar
ket space, dw Harrison st
Slicer Rev Henry, Wilk st w of Market, adjoining Methodist
Meeting house
Slicer John, gardener, Low st w of Exeter
Slicer Wm. Monument st w of Sterling
Slicer Edward, Aisquiih st n of Orleans
Slingman Herman, blacksmith, Wolfe al n of Conway st
Slingluff C. D. & J. wholesale grocers & commission mts. 15
Howard st
Slingluff C. D. firm ditto, Lombard st
Slingluff Jesse, firm ditto, 59 Greene st n of Lexington
Slingluff & Stevenson, dry goods mts. n e cor Howard and Bal-
timore sts
Slingluff Upton, firm ditto, dw Paca st
Slingluff mrs E. e side Paca st n of Marion
Sliver & Farringer, soap and candle makers, Liberty al near
French st
Sliver Abrn. firm ditto, dw with Mr. Farringer, Constitution
Sliver Sarah, confectioner, Hillen st w of East
Sloan Geo. F. clerk, 189 Hanover st
Sloan, White & Co. lumber and coal mts. 27 Light st wharf
Sloan John, of firm, dw 144 s Sharp st
Sloan mrs Harriet, 80 Camden st
Sloan James, grocer, cor Exeter and Fawn sts
Sloan Jane, alley s of Low st running from Front st to the falls
Slous Wentzel, cabinet maker, 103 Bond st
Sluver ———— skin dresser, 63 Harrison st
Small mrs Catharine, dry goods store, Fayelte st w of Park
Small John, silver plater, Silver st e of Eden
Small col Jacob, s side Fayette st betw Gay and Holliday
Small George, victualler, dw Pitt st w of Ann
Small John, 6 n Frederick st
Small Josiah, sugar refiner, court w side Hanover market, dw
side Eutaw st 2d door n of Fayette
Small Simon R. clerk, e side Eden st s of Pratt
Small John, carpenter, w side Exeter st s of French
Small Jesse, shoemaker, Armistead lane e of Light st
Smallbrook Henry, cooper, Baltimore st w of Pine
Smallwood mrs Julia, 6 Mulberry st w of Calvert
Smallwood Francis, shoemaker, Orleans st e of Aisquith
Smaltz mrs Christine, Wayne st w of Sharp
Smart Thomas, button maker, cor Granby and Gough sts
Smart J. G. Lexington st betw Liberty and Charles
Smeltz Edmund, e side Tripolett's alley near Second st