Smick Philip, engraver, Gay st near Canal
Smidt E. T. 239 n Howard st
Smiley mrs Mary, dry goods store, Richmond st e of Lerew's al
Smiley Robert, cooper, Albemarle st n of Stiles
Smiley Robert, cooper, s side Mercer st 2d door e of Light
Smith Wm. G. fish dealer, e side Apple alley s of Baltimore St
Smith Christopher, Raborg st e of Schroedef
Smith John, tailor, Albemarle st n of Wilk
Smith Adam, cooper, Raborg st e of Poppleton
Smith & Sharkey, crockery mts. cor Howard and German sts
Smith Wm. cigar maker, Raborg st w of Greene
Smith Wm. cooper, Raborg st e of Pine
Smith Joseph, bricklayer, Lexington st w of Cove
Smith Joseph F. cabinet maker, Cowpen alley
Smith Edward, tailor, Cowpen alley near Howard st
Smith George, cabinet maker, Marion st e of Howard
Smith Mrs. tailoress, Saratoga st e of Cove
Smith Frederick, victualler, cor Rock and Saratoga sts
Smith Henry, victualler, w end Saratoga st
Smith J. & A. iron store, 4 Pratt st wharf
Smith John, of firm, dw Saratoga st betw Sharp and Charles
Smith Alex. of firm, dw Charles st n of Fayette
Smith mrs Susan, 18 Saratoga st e of watch house
Smith Peter, tailor, Saratoga st 1 door w of Gay
Smith Thos. Watson, cabinet maker, dw Harrison st near Gay
Smith Christian H. saddler, 56 n Frederick st
Smith Ludwig, 58 n Frederick st
Smith & Curlett, soap and candle manufacturers, cor Holliday
and Pleasant sts
Smith T. M. of firm, dw Sharp st
Smith Dr. Gideon B. ed. Silk Journal, office cor North and Fay
ette sts. dw Mulberry betw Pearl and Pine
Smith Robt. Monument square, Calvert st
Smith Francis H. agent Franklin Fire Insurance Co. Phil, and
N. Y. Life Insurance and Trust Co. over 48 Lombard st.
Smith & Proud, proprietors Steam brick press, cor Jefferson and
Bond sts. office over 48 Lombard st opp the Exchange
Smith Mrs. 52 n Charles st
Smith Reuben, merchant tailor, S s Liberty st
Smith E. chair maker, 68 n Howard st
Smith Abijah, carpenter, 263 n Howard st
Smith & Cullimore, blacksmiths, cor Thames and Fell sts
Smith Geo. of firm, dw Ann st near Alice Anna
Smith J. A. dw 29 Fell st
Smith mrs Lambert, cor Pleasant 9t and Mitchell's alley
Smith mrs Margaret, marketer, Mulberry st e of Pine
Smith Andrew, drayman, Mulberry st e of Cove
Smith Henry, cooper, Mulberry st e of Poppleton
Smith David, firm Ford & Smith, dw Lombard st w of Exeter
Smith James, comb maker, Mulberry st w of Cove
Smith Alex. clerk, Mulberry st 2 doors e of Paca
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