Sindell James, engraver, n w cor Ensor and East sts
Singer Geo. clock and watchmaker and jeweller, 30 vv Fayette st
Singleton mrs Elizabeth, cor Gay and Fayette sts
Singleton Charles F. mt. vv side Commerce st s of Lombard, dw
Courtland st n of Mulberry
Sinners Elijah, jr. dw Fleet st w of Woife
Sinskey John, tavern keeper, 45 Thames st
Sinton Elizabeth, e side Commerce st s of Pratt
Sinton Joseph F. cooper, e side Commerce st s of Pratt
Sintzel M. tailor, e side Light st 4 doors s of Hamburg st
Sippel mrs D. w side Paca st n of Lexington
Sipple John, box maker, Saratoga st e of Schroeder
Sirati Victor, hat manufac. n w cor Baltimore and Eutaw sts.
Siscoe Charles, trimmings manuf. 71 Baltimore st opp Holliday,
see advertisement, page 6
Sitler miss Mary, dress maker, w side Greene st n of Mulberry
Siller Caroline, shoe binder, w side Light st n of Hughes
Sitler Morris, confectioner, cor Pratt and Sharp sts
Sitzler Bennet, shoemaker, Saratoga st e of Cove
Skillman Robert, chairmaker, Thomsen st cor Short
Skillman & Busch, tobacconists, 21 C Market space
Skillman George, firm ditto, dw 24 Alheniarle st
Skin George, grocery and feed store, York av n of Madison st
Skinner John, ship carpenter, Hill st w of Light
Skinner mrs Eleanor, Pitt st w of Eden
Skinner mrs Ann, Canal st n of L McElderry
Skinner Jeremiah, ship carpenter, Hill st w of Light
Skinner William, harbourmaster, Hanover st s of York
Skinner Zech. ship carpenter, 170 Hanover st
Skinner Robert, last maker, Lombard st 2d door e of High
Skinner Dr D. H. s side German st 2 doors e of Howard
Skipper Joseph, Howard st n of Richmond market
Skipper Cage, furniture car driver, Park st s of Richmond
Skivington Patrick, carter, e side Paca st near Lexington
Slack Wm. conductor of cars, Paca st w of the bend
Slade Levi A. Bull's head tavern, Front st n of Gay
Slain Francis, labourer, Preston st near Ross
Slasper Peter, baker, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
Slate Geo. A. carpenter. Mulberry st w of Park
Slater George, grocer, Lexington st betw Paca and Howard
Slater Henry, comb and brush store, 36 Market st
Slater Benj. tailor, Monument st betw Constitution and Forest
Slater John, bacon dealer, Choptank st n of Baltimore
Slater James, bacon mt. cor Gough and Bond sts
Slatter Hope H. slave dealer, office 85 w Pratt st
Slattrey John James, pedlar, w side High st n of Pitt
Slaughter J. M. dw Franklin st e of Cathedral
Slaughter lieut. Albert G. U. S. navy, 37 Albemarle st
Slaughter Francis H. paper stainer, Baltimore st w of Amity
Slaysman Alex. plaisterer, Madison st e of Aisquith
Slaysman Mablon, huckster, York av n of Madison st