Server Wm. H. morocco finisher, e side High st. s of Gay
Severe James, wheelwright, Pratt st w of Caroline
Severe & Huyghe, sailmakers, 10 Light st wharf
Severe Wm. of firm, dw Charles st
Severson Thomas, coachmaker, 31 Hanover st
Severson Stephen, grocer, French st near Bath
Severson John, carpenter, Hamburg st w of Light
Sevick George, rigger, Fleet st w of Ann
Sewald John, shoemaker, West st w of Light
Sewall, Baugher & Co. dry goods mts. 227 Baltimore st
Seward mrs Ann, 116 s Sharp st
Seward James, constable, Fleet st w of Washington
Seward Levi, labourer, Caroline st s of Baltimore
Seward John A. seaman, York st e of Charles
Sewell mrs Ann, rear Pratt st e of Paca
Sewell John, carpenter, Paca st w of the bend
Sewell Thos. H. wood corder, Perry st w of Charles
Sewell Rev. Reuben, e side Bond st n of Wilk
Sewell John G. teacher, rear of Pratt st e of Paca
Sexton Dr. Richard, Lexington st 1 door e of Liberty
Sexton John, shoemaker, cor Camden and Charles sts
Sexton mrs Ann, shopkeeper, 44 n Frederick st
Sexton Owen, clerk, Pratt st e of the falls
Sexton Rachel, coat cleaner, over 96 Dugan's wharf
Sexton S. B. & Co. stove dealers, 40 Light st. and Lombard st
2d door w of Light
Seyler F. & Co. curriers, 24 s Liberty st
Seyler F. dw n e cor Park and Lexington sts
Seymour (or Semore) David, brickmaker, Columbia st e oi Cove
Seymour Elizabeth, 123 Wolfe st near Wilk
Shackleford Lewis, p lot, Lancaster st e of Market
Shade Bennett, tavern, 70 Bond st
Shafer Daniel, piano forte maker, s e cor Howard and Dover st
Shaffer Fredk. Gough st vv of Caroline
Shaffer Thomas, cooper, Wolf st s of Gough
Shaffer John M. brickmaker. Canal st n of Jefferson
Shaffer George, carpenter, Front st s of Low
Shaffner Samuel & Co. dry goods merchants, 229 1/2 Baltimore st
Shaffner Samuel, dw Eutaw st betw Camden and Pratt
Shaffner Jacob, artificial flower manufacturer, 50 Baltimore st
Shaffner Wm. Charles st n of Hamburg
Shamburg Henry, Cider alley w of Paca st
Shanaburg Wm. ale and oyster house, Liberty st n of Lombard
Shanabrook H. firm Hubbard & Shanabrook, dw 5 Potter St
Shanabrook Francis, clerk. Mulberry st e of Pine
Shanahan James, sawyer, York st w of Light
Shanaman John, turner, Franklin st 1 door e of Jasper
Shane Edward, Holliday st n of Bath
Shane Charles M silversmith, Holland st e of Eden
Shane Mrs. Holliday st n of Bath
Shane Joseph, jr. druggist and apothecary, Light at near Lee