Shane Joseph, collector, Camden st e of Paca
Shane mrs Susan, Holiiday at n of Bath
Shaney Joseph, fisher, Front st n of Lombard
Shaney Alexander, fisher, Front st n of Lombard
Shanley James, teacher, e side Exeter st s of French
Shannahan mrs Euphemia, 35 Camden st
Shannessy James, painter and glazier, 91 Fayetle st. dw Pine s
of Lexington
Shannon Nathaniel, grocer, e side Eutaw st n of Mulberry
Shannon Wm. furniture dealer, n e cor Frederick and Second sts
Shannon Andrew, furniture carman, Forest st n of Monument
Shannan &. Wernwag, engineers and machinists, cor President st
and City block—see advertisement page 30
Shannon Joshua P. of firm, dw Wilk st e of Exeter
Share Richard, steam engine manufacturer, and iron founder, w
Falls H venue s of Pratt st—see advertisement page 13
Share Seraphim, dw Granby st e of Exeter
Share Joseph & Son, brass and iron founders, and fire engine buil-
ders, cor Lombard st and vv Falls avenue, dw Lombard
st w of Albemarle
Sharer John, morocco dresser, Monument st w of Forest
Starett Wm. Pine st s of Saratoga
Sharkey John, firm Smith & Sharkey, Greene st s of Mulberry
Sharkey mrs Br dget, mantua maker, 15 Saratoga st e of Park
Sharkey Patrick, tailor, over 131 Baltimore st
Sharp Thomas, cabinet maker, Canal st s of Monument
Sharp George, teacher, w side Exeter st n of Pitt
Sharpley Rev. John, commission merchant, 81 Smith's wharf, dw
High st s of Stiles
Shaufelberger H. grocer, Perm avenue s of Hoffman st
Shaum Frederick, glass blower, Henry st n of Hughes
Shaw Wm. C. Saratoga st opposite Liberty
Shaw G. bailiff, Pitt st w of Front
Shaw John, collector and agent, Saratoga st w of Market
Shaw Mrs. 22 New Church st
Shaw F. D. 94 n Liberty st
Shaw Wm. horse trainer, Canton, eastern city bounds
Shaw Wm. T. Franklin st w of Pine
Shaw R. proiessor of music, 99 Baltimore st
Shaw Wm. soap and candle manufacturer, Pearl st n of Fayette
Shaw James W. constable, Pitt st w of Front
Shaw Wm. e side Canal st nor Silver
Shaw Ann, tailoress, e side Exeter st s of Hillen
Shaw Eiias, flour and commission merchant, 3 s Howard st. dw
Lombard st e of Greene
Shaw Josiah, bricklayer, Eutaw st s of Montgomery
Shaw Joseph Q. York st e of Charles
Shaw capt Wm. Bank st e of Market
Shaw Richard, mariner, e side Ann st n of Alice Anna
Shaw Samuel H. book keeper, 20 9 High st