Sefton Jeremiah, coachmaker, Fayettest betw Pine and Cove
Segers Francis, grocer, Eden st n of Mulliken
Seibarger Adolphus, shoemaker, Forest st s of Monument
Seibert Philip, corset maker, 34 Harrison st
Seidenstricker John B. city collector, City hall, dw York avenue
n of Monument si
Seidenstricker Frederick, tobacconist, 51 Centre market space
Seigler Martin, butcher, Fred'k road or w end Baltimore st
Seigler mrs Ann, fancy and millinery store, 33 w Pratt st
Seikman H. liquor store, French st opp Potter
Seiler John, cabinet maker, Biddle et near Ross
Seilmeyer Henry, tailor, Ann st s of Lancaster
Seip John Frederick, tailor, Id Bond st
Seip Wm. tailor, Gravel alley near Saratoga st
Seip Wm. tailor, 67 n Exeter st
Seip Henry, Strawberry alley s of Fleet st
Seipp Christopher, keeper Union tavern, 4 Light st wharf
Seipp Conrad, labourer, Pratt st e of Eutaw
Seitz George, stone-cutter. Baltimore st w of Pearl
Seitz Daniel, baker, West st w of Light
Seitz John, shoemaker, Alice Anna 8t e of Market
Seitz Charles, shoe store, President st n of Wilk
Seivenseider Gachen, pedlar, Bond st s of Fleet
Selby mrs Ann, milliner, 134 Hanover st
Seiby Rebecca, grocer, n w cor Howard and Pratt sts
Selby James, boarding house, Pratt st 2d door e of Sharp
Sellers Jacob, carpenter, Saratoga st e of Cove
Sellers John, blacksmith, e side Jasper st near Lexington
Sellers Mrs, victualler, Hoffman st near Penn, avenue
Selman & Crook, grocers, 20 Cheapside
Selman J C. of firm, dw s w cor St Paul and Mulberry sts
Selmas Charles, blacksmith, alley s of Biddle st near Ross
Seltzer Jacob, victualler, Greenwillow st near Penn avenue
Seltzer Adam, butcher, Perm avenue n of Greenwillow st
Selvage Thomas, prop. "Top Gallant house," Swan st
Selvage Wm. coach and harness maker, Davis st near Pleasant,
dw North si betw Saratoga and Pleasant
Semmes R. Calvert st betw Lexitigton and Saratoga
Semon Wm. brickmaker, Eutaw st n of Ostend
Semore David, brickmaker, Columbia st e of Cove
Senflaben Gustavus, millwright, Welcome alley w of Hanover st
Senft Henry, candle maker, Baltimore st w of Poppleton
Seaseney Jane, e side Exeter st s of French
Senter Stephen, baker, Pilt st w of Exeter
Sentf John, labourer. William st s of Cross
Senz Nicholas, glass cutter, Henry st n of Hughes
Seper Cario, 69 Bond Ft
Seppel Dr. Ch. Godf. Chatsworth st n of Biddle
Sermon Isaac, labourer, e side Argyle alley n of Lancaster &
Servary Peter, 140 n Paca st
Server mrs Ann, Wolfe st 9 of Alice Anna