Milholland & Kennard, block and pump makers, 19 Thames st
Milholland John, dw Gough st betw Spring and Caroline
Milholland Arthur, grocer, 62 s Frederick st
Milholland Michael, labourer, Apple alley s of Alice Anna st
Milleman George, Saratoga st w of Chatsworth
Milleman Mrs. boarding house, 66 Hanover st
Millholland Robt. D., U. S. weigher, Gough st w of Caroline
Milligan Henry, turner, Salisbury si e of Lloyd
Millikin Jas. whip and cane man. 107 1/2 Baltimore st
Milliner John P. book keeper, Eutaw st s of Pratt
Milling Dr, Wm. H. w side Bond st s of Baltimore
Millington John N. printer, Pitt st w of Aisquith st
Milliron Samuel F. constable at Esq Goorsuch's office, dw w side
Potter st n of Gay
Mills Wm. shoemaker. Mulberry st e of Pine
Mills M. Baltimore st w of Amity
Mills Robert, grocery and feed merchant, Baltimore st. dw s e
cor Pearl and Raborg
Mills misses Margaret & Mary, fancy store, Balt, st near Pearl
Mills Samuel, custom house watchman, Caroline st s of Jefferson
Mills Ellen, s w cor York avenue and Madison st
Mills John, gardener, w side Eutaw st 2d door n of Franklin
Mills Ezekiel, tailor, w side Exeter st n of Low
Milts Eliza Ann, nurse, e side High st n of Pitt
Mills Zach. stove finisher, Schroeder st s of Hollins
Mills Richard, hatter, 54 Gough st
Mills Frederick, manner, e side Ann st n of Lancaster
Mills Wm. P. lumber mt. w Falls avenue s of Pratt st
Mills John L. carpenter, Concord st. dw s side Lovely lane
Mills Susanna, boarding house, over 7 s Calvert st
Milly mrs Oievia, w side Canal st s of Orleans
Milroy John, cow dealer, Sharp st s of York
Milsock John, labourer, e side Beuren st n of Falls
Miltenberger Dr. G. W. cor Sharp and Saratoga sts. dw Con-
way w of L Paca
Miltenberger Anthony, notary public and justice of peace, Mer-
cer st. dw Conway w of L Paca
Miltz Wm. overseer Beltzhoover's place, n of Frederick road
Mince mrs Elizabeth, High st s of Trinity
Mincher John, cooper, Lexington st w of Park
Minifie Wm. architect and builder, Fayette st w of Holliday
Minks Conrad, labourer, Happy alley n of Lancaster st
Minnick John, shoemaker, Granby st e of Gough
Minson Isaac, grain measurer, Johnson st e of Cross
Minten Eliza, Wagon alley e of Eutaw st
Mintz Geo. painter, Lewis st n of Holland
Minze John, bird cage maker, cor Front and Plowman sts
Miriam J. W. e side Eutaw st 1 doors of Fayette
Miskelly Hugh, watchman, Holliday st s of Pleasant
Miskelly Mary, Bank st e of Market
Missbach Alois, tailor, Lancaster st w of Bond