Miller Jeremiah, bricklayer, Eden sts of Jefferson
Miller Alfred J. Exeter et s of Granby
Miller Catharine, s side French st e of Bath
Miiler Henry, colourer, s end Concord st
Miller James M. piano maker, 22 Light st
Miller J. P. miller, 12 Spear's wharf, dw w side Front st sof Pitt
Miller Dr. H. s side Lombard st 5 doom e of Charles
Miller Richard, blacksmith, York avenue s of Madison st
Miller Rev. John, Fayette st opposite M. E. church
Miller Thomas, painter, State st n of Franklin
Miller Mrs. boarding house, Fayette st betw Charles & Liberty
Miller John, tailor, York avenue n of Madison st
Miller Jacob, paver, Jasper st n of Franklin
Miller Eliza, tailoress, s side Gay st e of the bridge
Miller Edward, bricklayer, n side Gay st e of Mott
Miller Matthew, shoemaker, Comet st w of Aisquith
Miiler ———— scavenger, Sterling st n of Madison
Miller Susan, tailoress, e side Exeter st s of Low
Miller Mary Ann, mantua maker, w side High st n of Pitt
Miller Ann, seamstress, w side High st n of Pitt
Miller Lewis, straw cutter, Frederick road w of the run
Miller John, butcher, Cove near Columbia, dw Pratt w of Eutaw
Miller W. & H. proprietors 3 Tons Tavern, cor Pratt and Paca
Miller James, brickmaker, Burgundy alley e of Warner st
Miller Wm. grocer, cor Eutaw and Perry sts
Miller Robert, brickmaker, Eutaw st n of Lee
Miller mrs Elizabeth, Eulaw st n of Lee
Miller Jackson, brickmaker, Eutaw st n of Lee
Miller Henry, segar box maker, Eutaw st s of Montgomery
Miller George, blacksmith, Hamburg st e of Light
Miller Caspar, labourer, Cross st e of Johnson
Miller Christian, brickmaker, West st w of Light
Miller Philip, baker, Alley w of William st s of West
Miller Frantz, shoemaker, Thames st w of Bond
Miller John, tailor, 9 Thames st
Miller John, dyer, 13 Thames st
Miller Charles!, constable, Thames st w of Ann
Miller Jacob F. rigger, w side Argyle alley s of Fleet at
Miller George, labourer, 2? Shakspeare at
Miller Jacob, rigger, Lancaster st w of Market
Miller Richard, shipwright, Alice Anna st w of Wolfe
Miller Henry G. rigger, cor Alice Anna st and Strawberry alley
Miller Wm. firm Wells & Miller, Fawn st e of High
Miller Enoch, carpenter, President st. dw Bank w of Bond
Miller James, drayman, Pratt st e of
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