Mister capt Abraham, grocer, cor Light st wharf and Camden
st. dw 140 Hanover
Mitchell James, tavern keeper, 5 Market space
Mitchell Thos. victualler, Saratoga st 3 doors w of Pine
Mitchell Sarah, tailoress, w side Light st s of Hughes
Mitchell Wm, brass founder, North st s of Saratoga
Mitchell Wm. H. shoemaker, St Paul st. s of Centre
Mitchell James, shoemaker, e side Frederick st n of Lombard
Mitchell John, s side Lombard st e of Frederick
Mitchell Wm. K. merchant tailor, McClellan st near Baltimore
Mitchell John, Biddle alley near Ross st
Mitchell Christian, 19 e Water st
Mitchell Alexander, currier, Silver st e of Eden
Mitchell John, meal seller, Monument st w of Eden
Mitchell Rev. John S. Monument st w of Sterling
Mitchell John, high constable, Aisquith st n of Monument
Mitchell Arthur, cooper, cor French and Centre sts
Mitchell Geo. W. shoemaker, e side Constitution st s of Monum't
Mitchell Joseph, hackman, e side Constitution st s of Monument
Mitchell John, watchman, e side Constitution st s of Falls
Mitchell Alexander, e side Front st s of Pitt
Mitchell James, hackman, York avenue n of Madison st
Mitchell ———— cor Marion and Eutaw sts
Mitchell mrs Joseph T. e side Greene st near Mulberry
Mitchell Eliza, seamstress, rear w side Exeter st n of Pitt
Mitchell Geo. W. tinner, w side Exeter st n of Gay
Mitchell Mary, seamstress, Humes st near Exeter
Mitchell Isaac, miller, Frederick road w of toll gate
Mitchell John, huckster, w of Cove st near Spring gardens
Mitchell Perry, machinist, McHenry alley e of Poppleton st
Mitchell mrs Nancy, Armistead lane e of Light st
Mitchell Washington, baker, n of Hughes st e of William
Mitchell mrs Ellen, Charles st n of Hamburg
Mitchell capt Benjamin G. S. Shakspeare st
Mitchell Robert, carpenter, cor Bank st and Happy alley
Mitchell John, shipwright, Granby st w of Canal
Mitchell Richard, shipwright, 62 Granby st w of Canal
Mitchell Wm harness maker, n side Baltimore st w of Temple
Mitchell Edward, commission merchant, 5 Dugan's wharf, dw
Caroline st s of Pratt
Mitchell Elizabeth, w side Spring st s of Pratt
Mitchell Alex. grocer, Front st betw Plowman and Lombard
Mitchell Robert, tavern keeper, 73 McEiderry's wharf
Mitchell James, e side Frederick st n of Lombard
Mitchell S. 2d hand dealer, s side Lombard st w of Charles
Mittan J. P. carpenter, Madison st w of Eutaw
Mittan W. A. grocer, cor Madison and Garden sts
Mittnacht Geo. H. fancy and worsted store, 58 w Lexington st
Moale col Samuel, attorney and soliciter in chancery, cor Fayette
and St Paul sts. dw Mulberry betw Charles and Park