McM 273 McT
McMillan Wm. weaver, Pierce st e of Cove
McMillan John, machinist, L Greene st s of Con way
McMillan John, shoemaker, 102 Dugan's wharf
McMillin Hugh, labourer, L Greene st n of Paca
McMillin Jabez, shoemaker, e side High st s of Hillen
McMinn George, cooper, L Greene st n of Con way
McMorris Martha, grocer shop; n side Lombard st w of Concord
McMullan John, confectioner, 2224 Baltimore st
McMullen Mary, huckster, rear of 8 n Frederick st
McMullen Margaret, seamstress, Frederick st s of Lombard
McMurray Samuel, tavern keeper, inter. Howard and Bolton sts
McMurray Catharine, seamstress, Forest st s of Orleans
McNabb James, house carpenter, Orleans st w of Caroline
McNally mrs James, grocer, cor St Paul and Centre sts
McNally Michael, Monument st e of Charles
McNamar Mrs. tailoress, cor St Paul and Hamilton sts
McNamee Catharine, grocer, s w cor Ensorand Forest sts
McNeal Andrew L, carpenter, e side High st s of Low, dw Pitt
st e of Bond
McNeal John W. shoemaker, Alice Anna st w of Wolfe
McNeal James, Frederick st dock, dw Wilk st w of Canal
McNeal Wm. house and ship painter, Bank st w of Wolfe
McNeal E. dry goods dealer, 74 Lombard st
McNeal John, watchman, e side Happy alley s of Fleet st
McNeal & Brinkiey, sailmakers, over 92 Dugan's wharf
McNeal Lloyd, of firm, dw Albemarle st s of Plowman
McNeir Rachel, dress maker, n side Low st w of Aisquith
McNeir ———— hatter, cor Salisbury and Exeter sts
McNelly John W. hardware store, Baltimore st e of Greene
McNelly Patrick, tavern, 62 s Frederick st
McNevin mrs Mary, Hill st e of Sharp
McNevin John, teacher, cor Mulberry st and College alley
McNial John G. fisher, Alice Anna st w of Bond
McNicols Isaac, nightman, William st n of Cross
McNulty Martha, boarding house, Bank lane near Aisquith st
McNulty P. keeper "People's House," Light st s of Lombard
McPhail mrs Mary, 8 New Church st
McPhail James L. hatter, Paca st e of Cove
McPhail Wm. coach trimmer, Hamilton st e of St Paul
McPherson John, house carpenter, Saratoga st s of Calvert, dw
Potter st n of Gay
McPherson Jonas, lottery office, dw inter. George and Biddle sts
McPherson John, Mount Clair Garden, near Ohio Rail Road
McPherson Wm. D. tallow chandler, Wilk st e of President
McPherson James, granite stone yard, President st s of Pratt
McPherson Esther, 21 s Howard st
McPhersor ———— guager, Penn avenue near Preston st
McSoarley mrs Eleanor, Fleet st w of Market
McSweeny Paul, grocer, cor Eutaw and Dover sts
McTeague B. liquor shop, n side Water st e of Light