McL 272 McM
McLaughlin Robert, teacher, dvv 106 Baltimore st
McLaughlin Peter, labourer, Bank st w of Canal
McLaughlin Robert, carpenter, Holliday st n of Saratoga, dw
Hamilton T door e of St Paul
McLaughlin Thomas, s side Happy alley n of Alice Anna st
McLaughlin mrs Ann, New st w of Eutaw
McLaughlin ———— labourer, Ross st w of Jasper
McLaughlin Wm. carpenter, Cove st n ofLexington
McLaughlin Irvin, huckster, Pearl st s of Mulberry
McLaughlin Joseph, shoemaker, Mullikin st e of Eden
McLaughlin mrs Ann, seamstress, Monument st w of Forest
McLaughlin Wm. wood dealer, n side French st oppPotter
McLaughlin Geo shoemaker, Hillen st e of Exeter
McLaughlin T. D. police officer, cor Paca st and Carpenter's
McLean mrs June, dress maker, Lexington st e of Liberty
McLean Wm. &, Geo. grocers and com mts. n side Lombard
betw Light and Charles
McLean Arthur, house and sign painter, 1 Harrison st. dw
Pitt e of Eden
McLean Rev. C. G. dw Franklin st w of Pearl
McLean Anthony, painter, Pitt st e of Eden
McLean Elias tavern, 59 Pratt st. sign of the block
McLean Wm. shoemaker, Maiden lane e of East st
McLean Jacob, blacksmith, Armistead lane w of William st
McLean &. Co. lottery brokers, 31 Centre market space
McLean John, of firm, dw Fawn st e of Exeter
McLeary Jas. watchman, cor Star alley and Wilk st
McLeavy Henry, jr. silver plater, Bank Jane near Calvert st
dw York st
McLennan capt Wm. w side Caroline st n of Gough
McLellan Rutus Chas. carpenter, rear 49 n Gay st
McLeod David, shoemaker, Sharp st s of Welcome alley
McMackin Thus. Lerew's alley n of Franklin st. rear
McMackin Alex. shoemaker, L Hampstead st e of Strawb'y a
McMackon Bernard, ladies' shoemaker, Camden st e of Paca
McMahon J. E. L. attorney at law, cor Lexington & Courtland
McMahon Wm. fruit dealer, Lexington st betw Paca and Eutaw
McMahon Wm. machinist, Hoilins st e of Poppleton
McMahon James, carpenter, 77 Harrison st
McMahon Mrs. milliner, 77 Harrison st
McMahon Francis, 131 n Paca st
McMahon Francis, grocer, Harford av s of Madison st
McManus John, flour and commission merchant, 2 Spear's w
dw Holliday st s of Pleasant
McManus James, e side East st n of Pitt
McManus mrs Chas, baker, East st 2 doors n of Pitt
McManus John, oyster house, Wine st
McManus Dr. Felix H. Pratt st 3 doors w of Sharp
McMechin mrs Judge, Calvert st s of Pleasant
McMillan & Davis, carpenters, Conway st e of Eutaw
McMillan Geo, G. of firm, dw 185 Paca st e of Warner