McT 274 MEE
McTavish John, British Consul, 25 Second stnear Gay, dw cor
Lombard and Front sts
McVey Samuel, wheelwright, Harford av near ropewalk
McWhinney John, clerk, Franklin St w of Park
McWilliams Miss, fancy dress maker, n side Fayette st betw
Howard and Park
McWilliams Robt. grocer, cor Hughes's Quay and Light st. dw
Lee w of Charles
McWilliams Robert, grocer, Wilk st w of Bond
McWilliams Daniel, s side Hawk st
McWilliams John, coroner, cor Bank and Ann sts
Mead Edward, tavern keeper, cor Front and Low sts
Mead Nicholas, cabinet maker, Jefferson st e of Canal
Mead mrs Benj. grocer, Low st near Aisquith
Mead mrs Elizabeth A. Spring st n of Baltimore
Meades Elizabeth, sup. Humane Impartial Society, establishment
w side Gay st s of Baltimore
Meads Edward, tavern, w side Low st e of Front
Meads Philip, blacksmith, William st s of Hamburg
Meads Wm. gardener, w of Loney's lane s of e Monum't st ext.
Meads Henry, shipwright, 73 Fleet st
Meads Wm. gardener, Philadelphia road near city limits
Mealk John, labourer, Bank st w of Canal
Mearis Jacob, manager of floor cloth manufactory, dw Albemarle
st s of Plowman
Mears Wm. mariner, cor Block and Caroline sts
Mears John B. grocer, cor High and Pratt sts
Mecanger Mrs. milliner, w side Exeter st n of Pitt
Mechanical Engine House, 29 s Calvert st
Mechanics' Bank, s e cor Calvert and Fayette sts
Medairy John, bank note and general engraver, over 136 Balti-
more st. dw Lee w of Hanover—see advertisement p 36
Medairy Jacob, Hanover st n of Sugar alley
Medcalf Edward P. baker, 46 w Saratoga st cor Lerew's alley
Medcalf A. P. butcher, Hampstead hill, e Baltimore st extended
Medcalf Elijah, cabinet maker, Sterling st n of Madison
Medcalf Wm. M. clerk City Court, office Court house
Medcalf Abram, butcher, Laudenslager's hill e Baltimore st
Meddinger Christopher, Forest st n of Hillen
Medical College, of University of Md. cor Lombard and Green
Medical College, of Washington University of Baltimore, corner
Market and Hampstead sts—see Appendix
Medinger John Jacob, tavern, n w cor Gay and Monuments st
Medinger John, labourer, Albemarle st s of Wilk
Medstif John, fisher, L Hughes st w of Light
Medtart J. & J. L. proprietors of Saratoga st Brewery
Medtart Jesse Lewis, dw Lexington st betw Pine and Cove
Medtart mrs Joshua, do do do
Meeds Edwin M. w side Euiavv st 4 doors n of Franklin
Meeklns Mrs. Lerew's alley s of Madison st
Meekins Basil, halter, Pitt st w of Bond