McK 271 McL
McKendrean Female Sabbath School, Lombard si e of Paca
McKenna Mary, corset maker, French st nearley opp East
McKenna Francis, e side Gay sts of Aisquith
McKenna Philip, liquor store, corner Camden and Light sts. dw
cor Charles and Camden
McKenna Bernard, tavern, Fleet st w end
McKensey James, joiner, e side Exeter st n of Pitt
McKenzie Dr. dw 12 n Gay st f-
McKenzie James, barber, n side Hillen st e of Exeter
McKenzie Thomas, 76 n Charles st
McKenzie Evan, shoemaker, Ross st w of Eutaw
McKeown Henry M. constable, 15 Mercer dw Front n of Hillen
McKerlie Sarah, teacher, cor Alice Anna and Ann sts
McKerlie Isabella, Fleet st w of Market
McKew Mary, tailoress, e side York avenue n of Monument st
McKew Edward, pedlar, York avenue s of Madison st
McKew P. grocer, w side High st n of Pitt
McKewen Wm. labourer, Saratoga st w of Schroeder
McKewen A. stove dealer, 38 Light sc 2 doors from Balderston,
dw Barre
McKewen mrs Mary, boarding house, 119 n Charles st
McKewen John, labourer, Franklin st extended
McKewen Archibald, e side High st s of Low
McKewen Thomas, fancy store, Bath st w of North
McKim Robert, dw Lexington st betw St Paul and Charles
McKim John, jr. & Sons, copper mts. cor Pratt and Frederick sts
McKim John S. of firm, cor Monument st and Lerew's alley
McKim David T. of firm, dw Holliday st near Orange alley
McKim mrs Catharine, Courtland st n of Mulberry
McKim Ann, Aisquith st n of Douglass
McKim mrs Isaac, s side e Baltimore st w of Lloyd
McKim mrs Wm. D. s side e Baltimore st w of Lloyd
McKim Ann, boarding house, 60 Centre market space
McKim Wm. & H. copper manufaturers, 42 s Gay st
McKim Wm. of firm, dw Charles st near St Paul's church
McKim Haslett, dw n side Franklin st 2d door w of St Paul
McKinley Wm. firm Holiday & Kinley, dw Eden st s of Orleans
McKinley Thomas, broom maker, over 72 Bowly's wharf, dw
Jackson st
McKinley miss Mary, boarding house, Mulberry st w of Cove
McKinley mrs M. A. seamstress, Wagon alley e of Eutaw st
McKinley Francis T. cabinet maker, Constitution st n of French
McKinley John, shoemaker, L Greene st s of Elbow lane
McKinley Wm. brickmaker, Giddings's row e of Light s of West
McKittrick Philip, w side High st n of Stiles
McKnight James, blacksmith, e side Exeter st n of Pitt
McKnight Susanna, seamstress, Forest st n of Madison
McLachlan James, boot and shoemaker, dw 70 w Lexington st
McLamar John L. S. variety store, 16 Maryland Arcade
McLane Dr. G. R. Calvert st n of Lexington
McLaraey Patrick, labourer, Canal si s of Gough