Kendall N. dw cor Baltimore and Cove sts
Kendall J. B. propr. Canton Race Course, at eastern city limits
Kendall Henry H. tinner, Canal st n of Short alley
Kendall Thomas, plane maker, Pearl st s of Lexington
Kendall A. E. baker, Orleans st e of Eden
Kenley Edward, steam plaister mill, German st near Green, dw
Baltimore st w of Green
Kennard Wm. H. grocer, Saratoga st e of Cove
Kennard Isaac, boarding house, Pitt st e of Front
Kennard Wm. hatter, e side Gay st s of Aisquith
Kennard R. firm Milholland & Kennard, dw Ann st n of Lanca.
Kennedy Mrs Eliza, confectioner, 15 Harrison st
Kennedy Edward, carpenter, 15 do
Kennedy Mrs. fruit dealer, rear of 8 n Frederick st
Kennedy S. picture framer, e side Howard st n of Pratt
Kennedy John H. fancy and Windsor chair manufac. 8 n Gay st
Kennedy John P. atty. at law, Calvert st opposite Barnum's—
dw Calvert st betw Saratoga and Lexington sts
Kennedy Hugh, milkman, Franklin st e of Cove
Kennedy Mordecai, blacksmith, Centre st e of Falls, dw Centre
st e of St Paul
Kennedy Michael, baker, 25 Lombard st w of Market space
Kennedy Andrew, wheelwright, Union st near Penn av
Kennedy Mrs E cupper and leecher, s side German st 3 doors
e of Howard st
Kennedy George, dry goods mt. 125 Baltimore st
Kennedy James P. grocer, w side Penn av n of Pearl st
Kennedy Wm. machinist, Forest st n of Ensor
Kennedy N. R. Farmer's hotel, n w cor Forest and Hillen sts
Kennedy Wm. R. Lombard st w of Amity
Kennedy Elizabeth, w side High st s of Pratt
Kennedy Wm. W. firm J. J. Williams & Co. dw 50 Camden st
Kennedy George, tailor, e side Light st s of Hughes
Kenney F. & Wm. wheelwrights, 16 n High st
Kenney Wm. wheelwright, 60 n High st
Kenney Thomas, bricklayer, n side Gay st w of Aisquith
Kenney Lucy, authoress, Low st near Aisquith
Kennly Wm. alley running from Front st to the Falls, s of Low
Kenny Mrs Nancy, Ross st near Eutaw
Kenny Peter, flour and feed dealer, n e cor Ensor and East sts
Kensey Stacey, carpenter, Hollins st w of Poppleton
Kensley Jacob, victualler, cor L Hampstead and Spring sts
Kent J. E. feed store, Penn av near Biddle st. dw Biddle st
Kent Edward, carpenter, Franklin st e of Cove
Kenucks Joseph, tanner, dw Madison st e of Eutaw
Keplar Wm. cabinet maker, Holland st e of Eden
Keplinger Wm. Ross st near Orchard st
Keplinger Michael, grocer, Ensor st n of Madison
Keplinger S. justice of peace, Forest st n of Gay, dw Ross st
Keppler Rev H. S. pastor St. Andrew's church, dw cor Gough
and Pratt sts