Kelly Hugh, carter, Scott st n of Columbia
Kelly James, labourer, Richmond st w of Cathedral
Kelly Caleb, grocer, Pratt st w of Green
Kelly Terra nee, stone mason, 46 Ross st near Paca
Kelly Mary, tailoress, 6 Lancaster st
Kelly Wm. drayman, Preston st near Ross
Kelly Catharine, e side Potter st s of Low
Kelly Wm. weaver, Pierce st w of Chatsworth
Kelly James, porter, e side Potter si s of Gay
Kelly Wm. boot and shoe maker, Baltimore st w of Paca
Kelly capt Matthew, inspector of customs, 59 Market st
Kelly N. weigher of live stock, Baltimore st or Frederick road
Kelly Michael, labourer, w side Happy al s of Fleet st
Kelly John W. labourer, Harford av n of Aisquith st
Kelly John, huckster, w side Frederick st s of Lombard
Keily Owen, grocer, s w cor French and Exeter sts
Kelner J. C. segar maker, w side Strawberry al s of Lombard St
Kelsey Eli, tailor, w side High st s of Gay
Kelsey Henry, ship chandler and grocer, 18 Spear's wharf, dw
High st betw Trinity and Wilk
Kelso John, w side French st 4 doors w of Beuren
Kelso John R. mt. tailor, 6 South st
Kelso George Y. planter, n side Lombard st e of High
Kelso Thomas, Baltimore st e of Aisquith
Kelso Wm. s of Wilk st and w of Exeter, on city property
Kelton Frederick, carpenter, Saratoga st e of Cove
Kelty John, shoemaker, Burgundy al e of Warner st
Kemble Daniel, hatter, York st e of Howard
Kemp Mrs Matilda, Fayette st n side betw Pine and Cove sts
Kemp Joseph F. carpenter, Paca st e of Cove
Kemp E. D. attorney at law, St Paul st n of Lexington st
Kemp Henry, labourer, cor Fleet and Bond sts
Kemp J. R. farmer, dw 92 n Howard st
Kemp James, shipwright, Gough st e of Eden
Kemp Henry, firm of Thomas & Kemp, dw Green st betw Ger-
man and Lombard sts
Kemp John R. teacher, cor College al and Mulberry st
Kemp, Buckey & Co. dry goods mts. s w cor Howard and Balt.
Kemp Lewis, firm Kemp, Buckey & Co. dw George st e of Pine
Kemp Daniel, firm ditto, dw Lombard st betw Liberty & Sharp
Kemp Richard, teacher, Pine st n of Vine
Kemp Dr Wm. M. 43 Eutaw st
Kemp Mrs James, painter, ThOmsen st w of Short
Kemp Thomas, shipwright, Alice Anna st e of Wolfe
Kemp Simon, inspector of weights and measures, w side Exeter
st n of Wilk
Kemper John G. grocer, Eutaw st n of Barre
Kempton Samuel, clerk in Farmers' and Merchants' Bank; dw
87 St Paul st
Kendall S. Austin, atty. at law, Fayette st 3d door w of St Paul