Kern Joseph, coachmaker, Liberty st s of Saratoga st
Kernan Lawrence, baker, cor Etna lane and Frederick st
Kernan Bernard, Franklin st w of Chatsworth
Kernan P. L. labourer, L McElderry st e of Aisquith
Kernan Francis, baker, Pratt st. dw cor Sharp and York sts
Kernan & Stillinger, com. int. 17 Spear's wharf
Kernan James, firm ditto, dw Stiles st e of High
Kernan Peter, biscuit baker, s end McElderry's wharf—store
78 Pratt st, dw 150 Sharp st
Kerner John, wholesale & retail tobacconist, Lexington st betw
Paca and Eutaw sts
Kerner John F. segar factor, s w cor Baltimore and High sts
Kerner Christian D. confectioner, 9 e Baltimore st
Kerney Patrick, painter, Short st s of Short alley
Kerney Bridget M. grocery & liquor store, 67 McElderry's whf.
Kerr Catharine, 40 w Saratoga st
Kerr E. M. & Co., China Hall, 193 Balt. st. dw 23 Barnet st
Kerr Edward, 23 Barnet st
Kerr Wm. grocer, s e cor Exeter and Low sts
Kerr Jacob, Mulberry st w of Cove
Kerr Edward, carpenter, L Hughes st w of Light
Kerr Mrs Sarah, Pine st s of Saratoga
Kerr John, grocer, cor Bath and Holliday sts
Kerr Thomas, grocer, w side Potter st s of Douglass
Kersey Wm. hatter, 60 n Frederick st
Kerting John, huckster, Lancaster st w of Market
Kerwin Lemuel, tavern, cor Wilk and President sts
Kesler Catharine, seamstress, e side Exeter st n of Pitt
Kesmedel F. turner, 44 Eutaw st n of Lexington
Kessel Christopher, painter, Sugar al e of Charles st
Kessler F. shoemaker, 50 Harrison st
Kessler Michael, grocer, corner Park and Marion sts
Kesterson John, found ry ma n, Hamburg st w of Light
Ketchup Mrs Sarah, Fort av F H
Kettler Aug. F. dealer in old iron, Bond st n of Lancaster
Kettlewell F. turner, 44 Eutaw si betvr Saratoga and Lexington,
dw 26 Lexington st e of Liberty
Kettlewell John, merchant, dw Pratt st e of High
Kewell Henry, carpenter, Fork av n of Madison st
Key Abner, tailor, Wansback st s ol Baltimore
Key G. painter, firm Disney & Keys, dw L Green st s of Con w.
Keys & McCormick, flour and produce mts. 110 n Howard sts
Keys Wm. M. firm ditto, dw Howard st 3d door n of Monum't
Keys Lawrence, cedar cooper, Caroline st s of Jefferson
Keys Mrs Catharine, York st w of Light
Keys John, York st w of Light
Keys H. C. & Co. grocers and com. mts. e side Cheapside 2d
door n of Pratt
Keys James .N. firm ditto, dw cor Monument and Howard sts
Keyser Mrs Samuel, Fayette st 2d door e of Eutaw
Keyser Joseph, Hill st w of'Sharp