Hopkins T. W. & G. wholesale grocers & commission mts. Light
st wharf, dw Sharp s of Pratt
Hopkins G. T. grocer, cor Pratt st and Light st wharf, dw w
side Sharp st 4 doors s of Pratt
Hopkins J. Bro. & Co. wholesale grocers, cor Lombard & Grant
Hopkins Saml. of firm, dw Lombard st e of Sharp
Hopkins Wm. M. dry goods merchant, 101 Baltimore st
Hopkins Mrs. s w cor Baltimore and Pine sts
Hopkins Richard, broker, 84 Pitt st
Hopkins mrs Charlotte W. cor Pitt and Comet sts
Hopkins Wm. labourer, Caroline st s of Hampstead
Hopkins Dennis, labourer n side French st opposite Potter
Hopkins G. W. book and job printer, s side Gay st w of Front
Hopkins John, coachsmith, e side Exeter st n of Pitt
Hopkins Joseph, shoemaker, Frederick road w of toll gate
Hopkins John L. firm Dixon & Hopkins, dw Paca st e of Cove
Hopkins Samuel, stone cutter, Armistead lane w of William st
Hopkins Samuel, labourer, Sharp st s of Hill
Hopkins Thomas, pilot, Lancaster st e of Market
Hopkins Eliza, Lombard st w of Caroline
Hopkins James, shoemaker, Lombard st w of Market
Hopkins R. P. dry goods store, 20 e Baltimore st
Hopkins Franklin, tinner, Caroline st s of Pratt
Hopkins James, currier, cor Exeter and Granby sts
Hopkins Johns, firm Hopkins & Brothers, dw e side Sharp st 4
doors s of German
Hopp Jacob, labourer, w side Caroline st n of Fleet
Hoppe Justus, custom house, dw 53 Hanover st
Hoppell George, bricklayer, Orleans st e of Strawberry alley
Hopper ———— prop. Western Hotel, Baltimore st w of Pinej
Hopper Ellen, s side Hillen st w of Exeter
Horan Timothy, grocer, cor Pitt and Canal sts
Horan mrs Ellen, dressmaker, 14 Holliday st
Horan John, carpenter, 14 Holliday st
Horan Roger, e side Commerce st s of Pratt
Horn Alexander, millwright, Raborg st e of Cove
Horn Henry, painter, German st opposite Pine
Home Jacob, dry goods merchant, 59 Howard st
Horner Richard, hackman, Eden st n of Orleans
Horner Abel, carpenter, Charles st s of Henrietta
Horney J. A. shoemaker, Preston st near Ross
Homey Absalom, mariner, Lancaster st w of Ann
Horney Samuel, shipwright, 75 Fleet st
Horney Edw. shoe store, 32 w Pratt st. dw Lombard w of Bond
Horney Thomas, ship carpenter, Wolfe st s of Fleet
Horning George D. baker, Wilk st w of Spring
Horsey Outerbridge, jr. attorney at law, Law buildings opposite
the Record office
Horsley mrs M. A. High st s of Lombard
Horstman Jas. firm Abrams & Horstman, dw Balt, st e of Market
Horstman Luke, seaman, w of Cove st s of Columbia