Hoop Peter, milkman, alley w of William st. s of West
Hooper Mrs Susan, dress maker, Mulberry st e of Pine
Hooper S. mariner, Concord st betw Pratt and Lombard sts
Hooper Wm. E. firm Hardester, Hooper & Co. dw Fawn st w
of Exeter
Hooper Wm. carpenter, Amity st n of Lexington
Hooper & Hardester, grocers & ship chandlers, 70 Bowly's whf.
Hooper Wm. firm ditto, Pratt st e of Exeter
Hooper James B. carpenter, Poppleton st s of Lexington
Hooper & Graff clothiers, cor Baltimore and Eden sis. dw Jas,
Hooper, cor Aisquith and Holland sts
Hooper James, dw Baltimore st e of Poppleton
Hooper Wm. H. carpenter, w side Bond st n of Fleet
Hooper Mary, 75 Bond st
Hooper John, tailor, Orleans st w of Lewis
Hooper J. & Son, wholesale and retail grocers, 16 Light st whf
Hooper James, dentist, Jefferson st e of Canal
Hooper Mrs Ruth, Harford av near Ropewalk
Hooper Amasa, painter, e side Gay st s of East
Hooper James, cabinet maker, n side Gay st w of Mott
Hooper Joseph M. cabinet maker, Mott st n of Gay
Hooper Francis, butcher, Columbia st w of Cove
Hooper Thomas, cooper, L Green st n of Conway
Hooper R. firm Hooper & Whitridge, dw Paca st w of the bend
Hooper John, lumber inspector, cor Conway and Howard sts
Hooper James, dw Barre st w of Hanover
Hooper T. com. mt. 6 Spear's wharf, dvv Barre st e of Sharp
Hooper Thomas T. seaman, York st e of Charles
Hooper J. P. firm Hooper & Sons, dw Charles st s of Barre
Hooper James, firm Hooper & Sons, dw Charles st s of Barre
Hooper John, seaman, Charles st s of Henrietta
Hooper Ellen, tavern, Wilk st e of Caroline
Hooper Rachel, tailoress, e Pratt st near the Falls
Hoops Amos, carpenter, Pitt st w of Potter
Hoolahan Daniel, slater, Chestnut alley w of Pearl st
Hoover Henry, tailor, 55 Centre market space
Hoover George, butcher, Columbia st e of Cove
Hoover mrs Rebecca, Columbia st e of Scott
Hope Daniel, brush store, 50 w Pratt st
Hope Wm. book keeper, Pratt st e of Exeter
Hope Mies, principal of female academy, 50 n Howard st
Hope R. E. 52 n Exeter st
Hope David, brushmaker, Light st 3 doors n of Henrietta
Hope Wm. H. stereotype founder, Lee st w of Charles
Hope Wm. clerk, 137 s Paca st
Hopkins & Hull, dry goods merchants, 202 Baltimore st
Hopkins Robert, of firm, dw Lombard st
Hopkins Basil B. of firm, Lexington st betw Charles and Liberty
Hopkins John W. tailor, Cove st n of Mulberry
Hopkins A. tavern, Lovely lane near Calvert st